Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: sordie on November 01, 2009, 03:41:33 PM
:( some admins dont like me for some reason? i did noting at all!
Moo and Ruben can to my floodz game, and i gave them a link and moo's like NO ITS A VIRUS ??? and im like no its not and ruben just wont.
any tips?
LOL! Moo's just fooling around, he's awesome like that. And Ruben just can't possibly bother. He's awesome like that too... You though don't only have admins that don't like you :) let me tell you that. KTHNXBAI
Uh dude, I have never heard of you sorry. but idk moo isn't even RND hes just an admin and ruben... well hes just weird like that. Don't let them bother you, they're nice guys. ;)
the only ones that are the trouble makers are sleeper and banna :P
shut .... it