
Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: SabbathFreak911 on October 18, 2009, 07:16:53 PM

Title: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 18, 2009, 07:16:53 PM
     Thank you for taking the time to read this. Earlier today Banana Hat came to the Flood server for a while and he was "minging". Unfortunetly I do not have any screen shots or video clips because Banana is an admin and he gave me my respected and I thought he was kinda kool at first... therefore i wasn't PLANING on having to record him or anything because I didn't think he was going to do anything wrong (and I was much more interested in getting him to stop minging then to try to start recording him)...

     What Banana Hat was doing was doing:
First time: It wasn't a big deal or anything but it was annoying for everyone. There were aprox. 10 - 15 people in the game(I could maybe get a few of them to clarify what I'm saying if you want) and there was one larger boat (mine), and two other small boats. The two other small boats got ruined quickly because the people on my boat had better weapons so I had to start getting people to get off the boat so we don't hold up the round (because people were dead). I got most people off at about 400 seconds left of the "Kill Other Boats" stage and I noticed Banana Hat was still floating around not on any boats. I didn't mind because I knew if he wasn't floating he would just be on my boat and be getting the same amount of money anyways, but then once i had everyone off (about 300 sec. left) Banana wouldn't jump. I could have gave him the round but I was the one who made the boat, not him, and I had last a fair amount of money that round so I wanted to win. Banana dragged it out until 100 sec. left and just told everyone to calm down because there was only about a minute left... Everyone had to wait for him and everyone was getting pissed at both of us. Eventually the round ended with both me and Banana Hat winning. (it was against rules since he held up the round and money whored)

     Second time: He started off by holding up the round. It wasn't a money round or anything because there was another boat other than mine and we destroyed it and won. It was time for me to try and get everyone off when i noticed my boat being damaged. I kept watching people on my boat to see if they were shooting but no one was shooting... later ,after two of my vending machines were broken from my boat, someone mentioned Banana Hat was floating and shooting my boat. He had been floating off the ground and water from the beginning of the round.

     Third time: Banana Hat was pissing everyone in the server off (EVEN THE MINGES) and I decided no one was planning on shutting up until Banana left so I tried to votekick him just to stop the bickering (I had a perfect reason: he was shooting boat he was SUPPOSED to be on -since he was floating in air with admin power- and holding up round) but I figured he'd either just ban me anyways or everyone would be too scared to hit yes, I thought I'd do it anyways just to say I tried and they had no reason to be mad at me. Then it said "You must be respected to use this capability." or something like that. I'd realized Banana took away my respected since he was only admin. I asked him why and he wouldn't at first but then when he finally did he said that he did it because I kicked some guy. It then took him for ever to say that it was for kicking someone that was on the boat and shooting it. I kept complaining to him saying I CAN kick someone for shooting the boat they're on and he kept saying for me to read rules (the rule that you can shoot the boat you're on if you join it after your boat is destroyed) and I kept saying that he was on the boat from beginning so I had the right to kick him (it was obvious the guy was on my boat from beginning cause the other people on the other boats died) but Banana Hat kept saying it wasn't against rules so I couldn't have kicked him. We went on for a while arguing that I was allowed to kick him and that he should kick himself for holding up round, shooting boats he's on, etc. etc... but eventually he left. Before he left AFTER I had already complained so much he told me my respected wasn't permanently gone and that a couple other people lost their respected too... First of all most the fighting could have been avoided simply by him telling me WHY I was demoted WHEN I was first demoted and that I wasn't demoted for good. He never did say who else got demoted and no one knew because we were all too afraid to accidently kick someone and get demoted. Also I was the only one who kicked while Banana was there and no one was minging that was respected so no one else SHOULD have been demoted no matter how long it's for...

     He also mentioned a couple insults to me and other players such as "Sabbath do you like wack off to kicking people or something?" when I was being careful not to throw in juvinile insults...(not only cause he's admin)

     P.S I'm sorry I don't have any screen shots or anything but it seems as though most people hate Banana Hat anyways because I've been hearing complaining in not only Flood about him but in ZS also(I will try to record Banana minging/ abusing next time). Also sorry for the long essay but I figured I had to get specific seeing it's an admin I'm reporting. BTW Banana: don't just delete this if you see it... that'd only be another thing I could call abuse for... this problem needs solving. Last: I don't think I really needed the Steam ID seeing as he's an admin...
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 01:04:14 AM
What kind of crack are you on?
I took your respected away because you were kicking people for rules that didn't exist. anyway yea I played the whole money round through, and I shot your boat after mine was destroyed then I got pushed off and died. Other than that everything you say is false and hard to read.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: sleepersoft on October 19, 2009, 01:29:38 AM
first off you need one piece of evidence. second I've know banana for 3 years. this sounds nothing like banana except the insults. you gotta just laugh at the insulting jokes he makes. also there are no rules clearly depicted anywhere, if you could give me the name of the admin who made these rules I would happily speak to him and make the rules clearly depicted within the server its self. so we wont have these problems anymore. another thing that bothers me is the assumption that since your boat was the only one left, that banana had to have been on it, and he was the one who had to die,..., so its his fault... no, don't blame it all on banana,you were too stubborn to jump off yourself. you are half to blame. besides its not like banana is on there all the time, but judging how you word things i take it that you're a regular and would know that. also "I could have gave him the round but I was the one who made the boat, not him," since you're a regular you would know that you're boat still remains even if you die in that round. if he wasn't on a boat, HE"S NOT ON A BOAT. wheres the rule on that? don't assume. another thing is if people's respected was taken away have them post here too saying what happened and that they would like their respected back. another thing that kills me is: when you,..., as a "respected" player,..., who we trust you to have the ability to vote kick other players, respected and non respected, suddenly feel empowered enough to attempt to kick an admin, someone who runs the server, has higher authority than you, someone doing their job. that does not fly with me as an admin, and i believe that you should have your respected gone for this amount of time.let me put it this way for you, "when an admin is in a server, you ain't the sheriff in town."
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 01:55:47 AM
lol how do you START by holding up a round?
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: mdew355 on October 19, 2009, 04:46:50 AM
i was in this server when this happened. everything sabbath said is true.. no lies. my fraps recorder failed after 10 seconds of recording so i dont have any evidence to back up my story. but im telling you sabbathfreak911 is totally correct.. im sorry banana hat :/
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 10:30:48 AM
Right ::) here let me brake it down for you.
     Thank you for taking the time to read this. Earlier today Banana Hat came to the Flood server for a while and he was "minging". Unfortunetly I do not have any screen shots or video clips because Banana is an admin and he gave me my respected and I thought he was kinda kool at first... therefore i wasn't PLANING on having to record him or anything because I didn't think he was going to do anything wrong (and I was much more interested in getting him to stop minging then to try to start recording him)...

     What Banana Hat was doing was doing:
First time: It wasn't a big deal or anything but it was annoying for everyone. There were aprox. 10 - 15 people in the game(I could maybe get a few of them to clarify what I'm saying if you want) and there was one larger boat (mine), and two other small boats. The two other small boats got ruined quickly because the people on my boat had better weapons so I had to start getting people to get off the boat so we don't hold up the round (because people were dead). I got most people off at about 400 seconds left of the "Kill Other Boats" stage and I noticed Banana Hat was still floating around not on any boats. I didn't mind because I knew if he wasn't floating he would just be on my boat and be getting the same amount of money anyways, but then once i had everyone off (about 300 sec. left) Banana wouldn't jump. I could have gave him the round but I was the one who made the boat, not him, and I had last a fair amount of money that round so I wanted to win. Banana dragged it out until 100 sec. left and just told everyone to calm down because there was only about a minute left... Everyone had to wait for him and everyone was getting pissed at both of us. Eventually the round ended with both me and Banana Hat winning. (it was against rules since he held up the round and money whored)

--this is where you and some other guy got demoted the other guy left and should probably bitch at me more than you

     Second time: He started off by holding up the round. It wasn't a money round or anything because there was another boat other than mine and we destroyed it and won. It was time for me to try and get everyone off when i noticed my boat being damaged. I kept watching people on my boat to see if they were shooting but no one was shooting... later ,after two of my vending machines were broken from my boat, someone mentioned Banana Hat was floating and shooting my boat. He had been floating off the ground and water from the beginning of the round.

-- now it starts getting weird cus I was dead this round.

     Third time: Banana Hat was pissing everyone in the server off (EVEN THE MINGES) and I decided no one was planning on shutting up until Banana left so I tried to votekick him just to stop the bickering (I had a perfect reason: he was shooting boat he was SUPPOSED to be on -since he was floating in air with admin power- and holding up round) but I figured he'd either just ban me anyways or everyone would be too scared to hit yes, I thought I'd do it anyways just to say I tried and they had no reason to be mad at me. Then it said "You must be respected to use this capability." or something like that. I'd realized Banana took away my respected since he was only admin. I asked him why and he wouldn't at first but then when he finally did he said that he did it because I kicked some guy. It then took him for ever to say that it was for kicking someone that was on the boat and shooting it. I kept complaining to him saying I CAN kick someone for shooting the boat they're on and he kept saying for me to read rules (the rule that you can shoot the boat you're on if you join it after your boat is destroyed)

--no idea what he is talking about now

and I kept saying that he was on the boat from beginning so I had the right to kick him (it was obvious the guy was on my boat from beginning cause the other people on the other boats died) but Banana Hat kept saying it wasn't against rules so I couldn't have kicked him. We went on for a while arguing that I was allowed to kick him and that he should kick himself for holding up round, shooting boats he's on, etc. etc... but eventually he left. Before he left AFTER I had already complained so much he told me my respected wasn't permanently gone and that a couple other people lost their respected too... First of all most the fighting could have been avoided simply by him telling me WHY I was demoted WHEN I was first demoted and that I wasn't demoted for good. He never did say who else got demoted and no one knew because we were all too afraid to

accidently kick someone -- how does this happen?

and get demoted. Also I was the only one who kicked while Banana was there and no one was minging that was respected so no one else SHOULD have been demoted no matter how long it's for...

     He also mentioned a couple (one) insults to me and other players such as "Sabbath do you like wack off to kicking people or something?"

-- he had the lamest come back

when I was being careful not to throw in juvinile insults...(not only cause he's admin)

     P.S I'm sorry I don't have any screen shots or anything but it seems as though most people hate Banana Hat anyways because I've been hearing complaining in not only Flood about him but in ZS also(I will try to record Banana minging/ abusing next time). Also sorry for the long essay but I figured I had to get specific seeing it's an admin I'm reporting. BTW Banana: don't just delete this if you see it... that'd only be another thing I could call abuse for... this problem needs solving. Last: I don't think I really needed the Steam ID seeing as he's an admin...
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Pryvisee on October 19, 2009, 11:18:17 AM
ummm..... i kinda beileve sabbeth because you can be a jerk sometimes.... but yeah i can't really hold a grudge against you BH... You gave me my respected.... :)

EDIT: Why did you take away there respected privilages :-[ they really didn't do anything wrong....
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 11:27:31 AM
I'm not saying hes lying I just think  "misinterpreted" what he saw I never went in to noclip and attacked his boat. I built my own crap boat then attacked his with grenades someone on his boat returned fire and destroyed mine after which I swam over to his and shot out the middle prop finally I was pushed off and died.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Handglove on October 19, 2009, 01:21:30 PM
You can be an asshole sometimes, but you didnt have any right to take away their respected without getting permission.They didnt do anything wrong but follow the rules.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: cable330 on October 19, 2009, 01:53:09 PM
Everyone here needs to just get an icecream and walkaway. If you dont like what the admins do than you are welcome to leave. It is partly their server you know. Just stop about the constant admin abuse post's. Im not just talking to you sabbath. Lots of people do it. You guys need to get a girlfriend, read a book, go out side or something else besides raging at admins.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Rifle on October 19, 2009, 02:53:51 PM
I've lost my repsected all of a sudden today. What just happend? freinds told me Banna hat did it. (i have no clue why.) So why? Also, i was there when this happend. and so far, sabbath is right.

let me rewrite that. , becaouse i dont know if all of what sabbath said is true, i left in the middle of it.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: cable330 on October 19, 2009, 03:00:25 PM
I've lost my repsected all of a sudden today. What just happend? freinds told me Banna hat did it. (i have no clue why.) So why? Also, i was there when this happend. and so far, sabbath is right.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 19, 2009, 03:35:47 PM
Rifle we didn't say Banana Hat did it I said he may have took away your respected for kicking someone else.

Sleeper I stated already I DIDN'T think I had the power to kick an admin but everyone was whinning to me and the other respected to do something so I tried to kick him just so I could say I tried and no one can whine to me any more. Also you may like Banana but you are one of the few that do. SO many people I talk to hate him... and seriously? I'm not going to take the insults as a joke if he's TRYING to piss me off and it is in a rough situation... normaly I do take jokes and laugh... in this situation I can't and TBH it would be immature to just laugh and not try to adress the situation. Also how is it not against rules to fly around with admin powers not being on a boat? That would just be stupid... and I do not care if an admin's flying in the server, I see it all the time but he was holding up the round because he was suposed to die and he was shooting my boat... Evene if he had his own boat and it died and he came over flaoting shooting it it would still be a dick move and I would still have the right to be pissed off.

Banana stop lying all those things were true... I know you're an admin, to make things up of you doign that aren't true would be like asking me to get banned (and it's not like I want to get banned...). People here have said I'm not lying... that's slightly proof... Also by accidentally kciking someone I meant they would have to try to kick to see if they WERE able to kick or not... and they won't kcik themselves because there were minges in the game... and they would obviously vote yes and maybe get that person kicked. Last... that's just juvinile of you to mention I had a lame come back.... ffs I didn't even HAVE a come back... BTW... maybe I WAS wrong about you floating shooting the boat you're on for the whole round... idk because I couldn't find you but everyone was saying you kept shooting it... maybe they were minges that were saying it... if that's true I'm honestly sorry for that part of it.

Cable: I'm sure you would do the same yourself if you were in my position... so do not tell me not to do this. Also... that juvinile comment at the end is not wanted... I find it funny when I meet people like you who say things like that... idc if it was meant literally or not it was imature, and ignorant.

P.S I don't know WHO made the rules but I talked to Ruben about them and he said he would try to make them better somehow. I really hope they get changed... a lot of things are hapening because of them and it's really annoying... there's too much confusion.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 03:43:10 PM
there you go now where am I
BTW... maybe I WAS wrong about you floating shooting the boat you're on for the whole round... idk because I couldn't find you but everyone was saying you kept shooting it... maybe they were minges that were saying it... if that's true I'm honestly sorry for that part of it.

there you go now where am I lying?
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 19, 2009, 03:47:13 PM
About the things that you said were wrong in the quote. The only one that may have been wrong was the one  where you were shooting boat you were on or floatnig or w/e.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 04:18:33 PM
what ever. I should probably find rifle and give him his respected back.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 19, 2009, 04:38:33 PM
So you did take his respected away? Good... I was beginning to believe i falsely accused you of possibly taking it away. BTW do you mind telling me why he got demoted? I'm not looking for another argument or anything I'm just confused at what happened and if you tell me why I can try my best not to do what ever it was he / we did wrong. I'm hoping this argument is mostly resolved and that we don't need any more fighting.

P.S Again, I'm sorry if I falsely accused you of anything, I was mad at the time and I probably should have thought a bit more before I accused you. Please forgive me if I have.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: Banana Hat on October 19, 2009, 04:47:47 PM
well mostly because you were kicking people off your boat during the money round and allowed your friends to stay on.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: SabbathFreak911 on October 19, 2009, 04:58:08 PM
Uhmm... I think you misunderstood or something... we DID do a money round I think for the first game you were here but I had to stop it because there  were I think 3 ppl dead and it would be holding up the round otherwise. I wasn't letting my friends stay I was going in order of who had most money. So the person with most money jumped first. I think the person i kicked was the Mr.Hannible Lecter guy because he was not the only one left but he wouldn't stop shooting the boat he was on either. He was on it from the beginning also, he always joins my boat, he's a regular minge that comes to the server all the time. I always give him warning also, that time i had given him almost 100 seconds to stop shooting my boat and jump off. My memory is a bit sketchy of what happened so it might have gone a little bit differently but from what I remember that was what happened. Thank you for telling me why we were kicked and I'll make sure I don't kick so much or for that reason. Also it might have been that I was telling the minges to get of because they had a rep of minging or something like that. Either way thank you for your explanation and I'll be sure not to abuse my powers in the future. I'm glad (hope) we're fine with each other now that this is cleared up and I hope another incident like this doesn't happen again. Again, thank you for the feed back.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: mdew355 on October 19, 2009, 06:28:53 PM
dude bh give up sabbath is right... btw your cool sometimes.. you gave me my respected after a fight lol but ya thanks for the respected but you can be a butt sometimes  8)
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: » Magic « on October 20, 2009, 07:56:53 AM

also stop posting reports about sleeper and bannana if you don't like it go to another server or buy G-mod, not meaning to offend anyone.
Title: Re: Banana Hat Admin Abusing (Flood Server)
Post by: sleepersoft on October 20, 2009, 01:10:55 PM
topic is locked due to a "flame war"...

in the initial debate the problem was clearly stated and the defense  made their statement. this has been reported, no need to debate any further. cause now its getting personal.