
Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Server Requests/Suggestions => Topic started by: Tomcat on September 15, 2009, 09:32:42 PM

Title: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Tomcat on September 15, 2009, 09:32:42 PM
Well I was bored so I made my self a swep In lua coding for the flood server
and also made some fixes to some zs maps and wireconstruct_rc. So pretty much thie flood wepon I made shoots babys (on fire) and them cleans them up after 10 sec I still have to update it if it works wit flood and also for the zs map the one wit the secret panic room I made it so you get killed and it blocks you out if you are in the way of the door. So here is my suggestion so bye guyz. (pics coming soon)
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Tomcat on September 16, 2009, 08:04:57 PM
It's over 9000 please I want feed back
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Sanders on September 16, 2009, 08:39:37 PM
Thats cool and all but how is that useful in flood? The water just puts the babies fire out...

also DdOoUuBbLlEe PpOoSsTt
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Tomcat on September 16, 2009, 08:51:42 PM
Lol no it also shoots non flaming babys that do 100 damage and btw stfu and that map fix is for zs_port where the safe room is
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Tomcat on September 23, 2009, 02:05:53 PM
srry for the double post but i got teh thmap from stinnek that fixes that damn door glitch any one want it?
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: animediz on September 28, 2009, 09:34:02 AM
sounds like an okay idea but i would rather see better weps then a baby cannon. You know? realistic stuff that pwns. But you can throw that in there for kicks and giggles.
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Butcher1993 on September 28, 2009, 09:35:20 AM
yes, please add this. I can just see it on my speed boat, with a cannon on the top lol
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Tomcat on September 28, 2009, 08:14:46 PM
lol :)

Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: » Magic « on September 30, 2009, 08:41:11 AM
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Boat Sinker on September 30, 2009, 02:26:05 PM
ahahaha thats all we need ...novelty funny weapons.

flamming baby grenades sounds cool.

how bout a rick james jihad bomb ahahha lol.

oh what we need are water mines. you throw them in teh water and they float. when a prop/boat touched then they explode and do like 100 damage. i saw this in another flood server.
Title: Re: New flood weapon and Map fixes
Post by: Tomcat on September 30, 2009, 02:40:03 PM