Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on July 28, 2010, 09:41:29 AM
Yeh, not a report.
I was banned for playing MUSIC?!?!? While I already told them HOW TO MUTE ME !!!
Yes i told them a couple of times, and they still insist in banning me.
Yes a BAN! !!
I didn't really rage but I laughed instead.
And DJ Silver did ban me. I really don't care.
If you don't mind, imma play WS now.
WTF, hes a 'DJ' too, and complaining about mic spam. ABOOSE
WTF, hes a 'DJ' too, and complaining about mic spam. ABOOSE
From your writings, it looks like you're being sarcastic?
I'll take that you're on his side?
Banning or kicking for micspamming is incredibly stupid.
Need cut he's respected
Banning or kicking for micspamming is incredibly stupid.
Need cut he's dick
Fix'd, fail guy sure fails.
DJ Silver's annoying.
Banning or kicking for micspamming is incredibly stupid.
Need cut he's respected
And the worst of all, I ALREADY TOLD HOW TO MUTE SOMEONE !
I really hate it when people put "DJ" in there name when all they do is play music.
It is almost cutting people with actual talent down.
I'm gon pwn nigras.
Oh, and cut they're penis too, of course.
Lol I just banned that guy for exactly the same reason
Check source bans
http://www.randomgs.co.cc/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&page=1 (http://www.randomgs.co.cc/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&page=1)
From your writings, it looks like you're being sarcastic?
I'll take that you're on his side?
No, I was facepalming at how stupid Silver handle this situation. I'm on your side.
No, I was facepalming at how stupid Silver handle this situation. I'm on your side.
Well, its really hard to see if someone is being sarcastic or not in the internet.
I'm really sorry.
*facepalm* Newfag's are new...
Why doesnt RND add a votemute in addition to Votekick and Voteban; 30 Minute Votemute :3
Why don't people just mute other people in addition to complaining; 2 clicks :3
Why doesnt RND add a votemute in addition to Votekick and Voteban; 30 Minute Votemute :3
Another suggestion, why don't you just press the 'ESC' button,
click on the 'Player List' and click on the person you want to mute.
At least its simpler than making a votemute program thing.
Lol DJ Silver was posing as an admin on Exiled servers. I lol'd.
Lol DJ Silver was posing as an admin on Exiled servers. I lol'd.
He JUST got respected and is abusing it.
What a asshole.
Cut off his respected, but leave its stump in the earth, and leave it with a banding of iron and copper, and let seven times pass over it. +90 internets if you can tell me where that's from.
Im actually going to disagree with the mute thing.
Or go with the votemute program. Seriously, if you want to play music, use a god damn 3rd party source and NOT play it over the mic just to waste everyone's time. In ZS if your dead in action and someone plays a really shitty song (Like everyone always does...but Unit plays good stuff :3), I dont think pausing right in the middle and having to mute would be the right idea. Unless your heavily caded.
Or better yet, use steam browser and go into youtube and do it. Just not play it for everyone.
Im actually going to disagree with the mute thing.
Or go with the votemute program. Seriously, if you want to play music, use a god damn 3rd party source and NOT play it over the mic just to waste everyone's time. In ZS if your dead in action and someone plays a really shitty song (Like everyone always does...but Unit plays good stuff :3), I dont think pausing right in the middle and having to mute would be the right idea. Unless your heavily caded.
Or better yet, use steam browser and go into youtube and do it. Just not play it for everyone.
It takes just as long to kick or ban someone for mic spam as it does to manually mute them.
Which is why there is no reason to play music over the mic FOR EVERYONE in the first place. Im pretty sure no-one wants to hear the song in the first place. And if they do, then they can get a ipod and do that. Its basically like saying:
The votemute thing will just be as useful as muting, Just other people dont have to stop what they are doing and go through the muting process.
They usually do it so everyone can't hear what they're doing in-game, not just them.
What's up with everyone having an iPod?
Not everyone can spend 300 dollars on some shitty MP3 Player that breaks after one year ...
Anyway, I don't see a problem in muting people at all. It's pressing ESC, clicking the playerlist and double-clicking the name. 4 actions. Voteban/kick needs you to type voteban/votekick into chat, select the person, write a reason in and then pressing start vote.
Muting is way faster than kicking people.
What's up with everyone having an iPod?
Not everyone can spend 300 dollars on some shitty MP3 Player that breaks after one year ...
Anyway, I don't see a problem in muting people at all. It's pressing ESC, clicking the playerlist and double-clicking the name. 4 actions. Voteban/kick needs you to type voteban/votekick into chat, select the person, write a reason in and then pressing start vote.
Muting is way faster than kicking people.
That is what I've been telling them
That still doesnt mean that you cant run WMP or get a damn radio instead of playing music for everyone else.
I think its more faster to say: votemute, then choose the player name rather then stopping dead in my tracks, pausing, going to the mute players and scrolling for the player name.
If you type votemute, you still have to stay still to type it and then scroll through the playerlist there.
That still doesnt mean that you cant run WMP or get a damn radio instead of playing music for everyone else.
I think its more faster to say: votemute, then choose the player name rather then stopping dead in my tracks, pausing, going to the mute players and scrolling for the player name.
You don't see it don't you.
Like Don said, when you type votemute, you will still have to look for the player's name.
Its the same as muting someone.
You don't see it don't you.
Like Don said, when you type votemute, you will still have to look for the player's name.
Its the same as muting someone.
I see it, but your not supporting your argument very much. So maybe it would take the same time to votemute as to mute, but not all players will be in the same place at the same time. Some players will be happily caded willing to pause for wut ever reason. Or some will be stuck outside trying to battle off a hoard of flying fast zombies while getting ear raped at the same time. It would be good enough if the admin started a rule to have players on the server VOTE themselves if they want to hear music. Just there is no reason to play that shit over the mic.
Sound effects are okay and all as long as they are not overused or over-annoying.
Do I still need to explain further on why you should not mic spam music or do you realize it?