Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Butcher1993 on September 02, 2009, 06:16:05 PM
LOL LOOK AT MA BOAT!! It was awsome until Master RPGed it when he was on it... fucker. Anyway, LOOK HOW BIG IT IS!! IF YOU PLAY FLOOD, I GOT THIS COMPLETED IN 1 ROUND!!
and wtf it resized it.
heres better link
(http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/781/awsoemboat.png) edit: fixed tags + embedded -coolz
Wow awesome, I wanna build one but i suck at building in flood :(
Lawl you are teh SANDERS of the flood server :D. Keep building epic boats man!
HAHAHA yeah insuranceguy does f**k mothers XD