Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Community Admin Apps => Topic started by: itsDex on July 12, 2010, 07:55:54 PM
Dex should b admin
not im just saying i should becuz i play with alot of propkillers and rdmers :/ i just wanna kick them out of game instintaly becuz they usually rdm more then 4 in a row
i wanna be random admin:
Name: Dex
age: 14
grade: 10
intrests: money, yes, dogs, gmod, little kids, cartoons, alot of other things, food, making fun of fat people who fall down stairs.
hobbies: gmod, gaming, meeting new people.
why i shouldnt be admin: i suck
ITS UNDER 9000!!!!
ITS UNDER 9000!!!!
Ohai. Didnot see u der.
i like monkeytits! >:(
:) ;) :D ;D >:( :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'( :lamp: :police: :mad: :exclaim: :question: :angel: :laugh:
I like turtles
and flying bunny rabbits from mars eating hand grenade flavored waffles
Dex needs admin now. Holy shit why haven't we done this already. Dex is the best! Rhymes for a reason since he really is the best.
Dex needs admin now. Holy shit why haven't we done this already. Dex is the best! Rhymes for a reason since he really is the best.
shut up kissassbitch i like dragontears and 4dayold nail clippings from the antartic submarineflying donkey who lives in my anus
WTH is this shit?
Also i voted "I like dogs."
Wtf is with all this douchebaggery lately? ffs
Wtf is with all this douchebaggery lately? ffs
sabbath likes little girl toes he cuts them off then sticks them in his armpit EWW
Stop spamming...
You're going to get a warning so fast...
Please visit and take note of other admin applications before making one. I see no helpful information in this post to sway my vote.
BTW I have seen you and heard from others that you prop kill in TTT. Which make me have to give you
GTFO N00B SPAMMER, if he has respected he should get demoted lmao, oh and give him a warning or two on the forums, kthxbai. -99999999999999999999999999999999999999
I'll vote for uh...BAN YOU !!!
Bad Dex
After all I've done for you. Don't ruin it.
-bumped VERY old threads.
-being a douche in ttt.
So now ur trying to become admin?
Bad Dex
After all I've done for you. Don't ruin it.
Is it just me or I think this^ is dirty.
Hes changing the vote options -.-
Dex if you gonna act like this you will gonna get muted. Or maybe even worse.
Just saying.
milk is healthy when u drink it up your nose :P