Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: ItchyDani3l on July 12, 2010, 12:54:29 PM
aggg was basically propkilling me, accusing me of 'attempting to propkill' and votekicking me for no real reason.
We votebanned him twice, but he apparently has multiple cracked steam accounts with gmod on them.
So yeah, I recorded one demo, but he didn't do much other than accusing me of attempting to propkill in that one. I DO, however, have lots of witnesses.
This is a screenshot taken after we banned him the second time (and as you can see he's rejoining)
You can refer to anyone in the list for a witness.
It's also worth noting that any time immediately after he killed someone as traitor (or when he prop killed me) as well as at other times, we were experiencing extreme amounts of lag.
Some people claimed that arggg was DDoSing the server, but noone has any proof. Not surprisingly, arggg blamed the lag on me.
In addition to all of this, he was being generally disrespectful to other players and made everyone grumble and complain.
I only votekicked itchy once for propkilling. I tried to do it back to him then he kept trying to ban me. If anything, itchy should loose his respected for starting the whole thing.
I started one kick on you, but the lag stopped it.
I started one ban on you, and that one passed.
Mebins started one ban on you, and that one passed.
I didn't propkill once, or for that matter hit anyone with a prop. Much less target someone.
You caused significant damage to a particular player when you were throwing props around. I took that as attempting to propkill so I started a votekick on you. You were disrupting gameplay.
Well, I happen to be a witness (hey look its me in the picture!) and you were mic spamming in the earlier map. Then at De_Dust2 you were grabbing props quite often. But to be honest, since I was scared of getting prop killed, I kept running away from you. So I never knew what you were doing with them.
And how did you keep coming back instantly after two 60-minute bans? Did you crack Steam? Did you hack the server?
How was I mic spamming? Itchy was being rude to me so I said "fuck you". Obviously, you guys are plotting against me. There is nothing wrong with grabbing props.
How was I mic spamming? Itchy was being rude to me so I said "fuck you". Obviously, you guys are plotting against me. There is nothing wrong with grabbing props.
I lol'd, plotting against him lolololol, sounds obvious that Itchy and John are telling the truth, but my opinion won't really change anything lol =P
I lol'd, plotting against him lolololol, sounds obvious that Itchy and John are telling the truth, but my opinion won't really change anything lol =P
None of this other crap would have happened if Itchy didn't get all butthurt when I started a votekick on him for attempting to propkill
How was I mic spamming? Itchy was being rude to me so I said "fuck you". Obviously, you guys are plotting against me. There is nothing wrong with grabbing props.
In what way was he being rude? And how is saying "fuck you" any polite?
In what way was he being rude? And how is saying "fuck you" any polite?
If people are being rude to me I retaliate. Itchy was being grumpy in general, he was kind of disrupting gameplay for me. I believe he started the whole thing but I don't think he should loose his respected.
We votebanned him twice, but he apparently has multiple cracked steam accounts with gmod on them.
This is a screenshot taken after we banned him the second time (and as you can see he's rejoining)
You can refer to anyone in the list for a witness.
Creating another account on steam would not unban yourself trust me.
Creating another account on steam would not unban yourself trust me.
Theres a bunch of ways to get unbanned from a sever. The IP Refresh trick, multiple steam accounts, ect.
Well when your are banned by a voteban its actually dropping the request from your ip so that it looks as if the server is down. Now immediate bans by admins are actually banning your steam id. I also believe that the ip its not responding to is your routers ip, which is even more of a pain in the ass to change.
personally, it looks like to me that u guys just are being douches to each other cuz u dont agree.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ??? :laugh:
personally, it looks like to me that u guys just are being douches to each other cuz u dont agree.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ??? :laugh:
It looks like to me, you are spamming. The door is that way.
And as for this situation, I can't feel compelled to take any sides, but itchy is ALWAYS honest and seems to be the most trustworthy here...
I honestly don't think itchy is trustworthy at all. But like I said, I think he should be able to keep his respected as well as I.
I honestly don't think itchy is trustworthy at all. But like I said, I think he should be able to keep his respected as well as I.
I don't even play TTT anymore but I joined to play with friends and right away I see arggg prop killing... and failing... but still....
I like to engage in the occasional prop-duel
I see arggg prop killing...
I like arggg.
But he's not exactly an angel. I saw him targetting one kid over about 10 rounds, I can't even remember why anymore.
I like to engage in the occasional prop-duel
It's only a duel if the other person has a prop... and is willing to fight -.-.
prox, you were there so >.<
but yeah, arggg the only reason I made this is because I'm NOT convinced that you will stop being a douche in the future. If you are willing to change, however, then that might be acceptable.
The first step to change is always recognition, though. (e.g. you have to quit denying you do it before you can say you've changed it)
prox, you were there so >.<
but yeah, arggg the only reason I made this is because I'm NOT convinced that you will stop being a douche in the future. If you are willing to change, however, then that might be acceptable.
The first step to change is always recognition, though. (e.g. you have to quit denying you do it before you can say you've changed it)
Okay, I changed my mind. I think Itchy needs his respected taken away. He isn't being mature about this.
Okay, I changed my mind. I think Itchy needs his respected taken away. He isn't being mature about this.
good luck with that
Itchy: Even if you DO get him banned, you need his steam ID.
Led: You've had WAY too much trouble with RND. I don't think your too credible.
Argg you need to stfu Itchy ftw -_-.
Itchy: Even if you DO get him banned, you need his steam ID.
Led: You've had WAY too much trouble with RND. I don't think your too credible.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23169855
Argg you need to stfu Itchy ftw -_-.
That is pretty rude. I don't like being talked to like that.
That is pretty rude. I don't like being talked to like that.
That is pretty rude. I don't like being talked to like that.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:23169855
Nigger using my website I stole from Magic :-[
I don't think images such as that are appropriate for this conversation. Sorry.
I don't think images such as that are appropriate for this conversation. Sorry.
How about this.
LOL Waffle.
And yes Don :P.
How about this.
You are very original. It's not like I've seen images like this thousands of times before on various types of message boards. None of these new replies seem helpful or serious.
Maybe you should stop accusing one another and go to a party, get high / drunk then stay in bed the whole next day looking at playboy
this is random and random is random go be serious somewhere else
Maybe you should stop accusing one another and go to a party, get high / drunk then stay in bed the whole next day looking at playboy
this is random and random is random go be serious somewhere else
I am all up for a serious conversation but all these guys want to do is to try to ridicule me and harass me on these forums. I would love to get high/drunk right now but I have some online homework I gotta do :(
I am all up for a serious conversation but all these guys want to do is to try to ridicule me and harass me on these forums. I would love to get high/drunk right now but I have some online homework I gotta do :(
You guys keep going off-topic. Maybe we should just continue and debate in whether Arggg should keep his Respected status or not.
I am not a faggot, sorry.
I say demoted and ban for 1 week.
I say demoted and ban for 1 week.
That isn't fair. Itchy started everything...
That isn't fair. Itchy started everything...
You started everything by prop killing a being teh douche.
You started everything by prop killing a being teh douche.
But itchy was being a douche and started everything...
Guys, maybe you should only demote him until further notice. Not BAN him. Unless you believe Itchy and I, then you should ban him for a day or so...
Guys, maybe you should only demote him until further notice. Not BAN him. Unless you believe Itchy and I, then you should ban him for a day or so...
But that isn't fair. Maybe I should start my own thread to complain about Itchy...
But that isn't fair. Maybe I should start my own thread to complain about Itchy...
And lie? No no no. Anyway weren't you the one who started everything?
LOL try demote Itchy cause he made you mad XD.
LOL try demote Itchy cause he made you mad XD.
I am not mad, I am confused. I don't think this thread should exist since I feel as if I didn't do anything wrong besides retaliating on Itchy when he was abusing respected.
He doesn't abuse now Gtfo.
He doesn't abuse now Gtfo.
He does and I witnessed it.
He does and I witnessed it.
K then bitch about it elsewhere, Itchy isn't getting demotez.
K then bitch about it elsewhere, Itchy isn't getting demotez.
He might get demoted since that would be the fair thing in this situation. You have no say in whether or not he will be demoted, the final say goes to whoever is in charge of respected powers. I will bitch about it here unless I am banned. I want to defend my honor until the day I die...
XD Newfags...
Never get old.
XD Newfags...
Never get old.
According to unbandictionary.com, the most popular definition to the word "newfag" clearly states that it is a person that is "a newcomer to 4chan." I have been browsing 4chan.org regularly since the year 2005. According to your profile, you are only 14 years old. I highly doubt your parents would let you use that website at the age of 9 (assuming you were at the age of 9 at the year 2005.) With this reasoning, I believe that I am less of a "newfag" than you are. But that doesn't make you any less of a person, it just makes you mistaken with this reasoning I presented you with.
First of all, I was referring to you as a newfag on this website/group.
Second of all, quit being so fucking serious /facepalm.
First of all, I was referring to you as a newfag on this website/group.
Second of all, quit being so fucking serious /facepalm.
So, one of the reasons why I am being ridiculed on this forum is because I am a newer member than some of you guys? That makes me feel as if this forum is somewhat biased in their judgements.
So, one of the reasons why I am being ridiculed on this forum is because I am a newer member than some of you guys? That makes me feel as if this forum is somewhat biased in their judgements.
No, it's because you're a newer, ignorant member. There's a large difference. New people are welcome. Constantly ignorant ones, no.
No, it's because you're a newer, ignorant member. There's a large difference. New people are welcome. Constantly ignorant ones, no.
How come you call me ignorant when you don't even consider my side of the story at all? You make the assumption that Itchy is right and Argggg is wrong. You don't seem very open-minded or fair.
Wait this thread is still going? >.>
Yeah uhm sorry arggg but:
1. I didn't 'start it.' I muted you because you were really rude and loud, but other than that, nada.
2. If you seriously want to be part of this community, then follow the rules and don't be a dick. We don't like dicks here (except for frank and deathward?)
3. I still have no idea what you mean when you say I 'abuse respected'
Wait this thread is still going? >.>
Yeah uhm sorry arggg but:
1. I didn't 'start it.' I muted you because you were really rude and loud, but other than that, nada.
2. If you seriously want to be part of this community, then follow the rules and don't be a dick. We don't like dicks here (except for frank and deathward?)
1. There is no point in arguing anymore. I barely remember what happened anymore. All I could say is that I remember you attempting to propkill so I votekicked you which started this whole thing. This is only my side of the story and I understand you disagree.
2. I do not believe I was being a dick. I feel as if whatever I did was justified in one way or another.
OMFG this thread has been going all day and i think its time u 2 drop it. u are making a big deal over a petty argument and are wastign ur time on the stupid computer.so GTFO and do something with ur lives and stop being minges to each other! :mad:
OMFG this thread has been going all day and i think its time u 2 drop it. u are making a big deal over a petty argument and are wastign ur time on the stupid computer.so GTFO and do something with ur lives and stop being minges to each other! :mad:
I have to admit, this is indeed taking a long time. I wouldn't normally be on the computer so long but I have a lot of work to do on the internet. However, I think that the time I spent in this thread is justified since defending my honor is something I truly believe in. It is a very noble act to defend yourself especially when things look grim. I have to admit Itchy, you have a lot of people on this forum backing you up and only a limited amount of people backing me up. However, I will do the only thing I can do: to fight for my honor and stand up for myself.
Last comment on this thread, argggg Idc what happened in the situation with you and Itchy. I'm being an ass to your for two reason...
A) You insulted my friend...
B) As I've said, I see you in-game trying to prop kill and I told you a million times while I was there for you to stop.
Last comment on this thread, argggg Idc what happened in the situation with you and Itchy. I'm being an ass to your for two reason...
A) You insulted my friend...
B) As I've said, I see you in-game trying to prop kill and I told you a million times while I was there for you to stop.
A) It is possible I insulted your friend. You and your friend have my condolences.
B) I believe I only engage in propduels. It might have not been me playing if I was propkilling.
K well I won't hold a grudge against you, just don't do it again pls... and if it wasn't you that was playing that I had to warn a million times then don't be so irresponsible as to let some other asshole play and minge.
i say you all just drop it and get on with your day kthxby
i say you all just drop it and get on with your day kthxby
We already established that.
Lol you guys are talking with so complicated words jeez, INB4LOCK.
I saw you prop killing itchy 2 times and then he initiated voteban.
There is no point to say "he started it".
Prop kill is bannable.
He didin't abused.