Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: jimonions on July 07, 2010, 05:41:57 AM
Thats right its my b-day
thanks for noticing everyone!
its now officially been 15 years since i stuck my head out of my mother's vag
I didn't notice because I was asleep. I'm excused. <3
congrats you are one year closer to death
haf phun
GRATZ JIM! Hope all your wishes come true and that you'll get all the shiz you want, etc. lol
This is the first day of the rest of your life. Congratz.
congrats you are one year closer to death
haf phun
i was going to say that lol
congrats you are one year closer to death
haf phun
happy berfday.
You're a bitch uncderwhelemed by the positive posts, aren't you :P
I sent you a French whore, but forgot to give her food, you have 6 hrs to depose of the body. Have fun.
Your many wonderful and kind posts have moved me to tears
Haf fun and happy birthday! wuv joo
Glückliche Geburt Tag!
Holy crap.
Sorry Jim, I was a day late :[
So, Happy Belated Birthday
Glücklicher Geburtstag!
You don't say that like this though, you usually say "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!", which would mean "All good for the birthday!"-