Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: HellishPanda on July 01, 2010, 12:43:22 AM
The golden days playing legend of zelda and geting pwned by every monster D:?
Panda says the oldies are the best all online gaming today is just kids screaming in their microphones or others being douches...However it's fun being a douche isn't it :D
Trollolololol (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc&playnext_from=TL&videos=i7-60jUUuGI#)
The golden days playing legend of zelda and geting pwned by every monster D:?
Panda says the oldies are the best all online gaming today is just kids screaming in their microphones or others being douches...However it's fun being a douche isn't it :D
Trollolololol (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc&playnext_from=TL&videos=i7-60jUUuGI#)
yes up until the age of the internet where in your games you actually interact with humans not a program.
n64 ftw
yes up until the age of the internet where in your games you actually interact with humans not a program.
n64 ftw
Amen to that
n64 was the shiz man turok, diddy kong racing. don't forget the ps1 as well (resident evil series ftw must been where I got my intelligence all them puzzles lolz.)
God the memories.... <3
What ever happened to playing gmod the first time and not being able to find the q menu?
N64? are you fucking kidding me? you guys call that the first gaming system? way to make me feel old
This is the way to go pong FTW and mario FTW
Fuck yes NES!
Memories of never being able to beat Super Mario World 3 or whatever it was. Good times.
Fuck yes NES!
Memories of never being able to beat Super Mario World 3 or whatever it was. Good times.
Although I had SNES. I just loved SMW. I still have it, but it's broken :<
Lol I remember gameboy O.o
That old shiz I used to play pokemon on, good ol' memories lawl
I still have an N64 and an NES but my n64 takes forever to get the game to work and it usually crashes :l
I still have an N64 and an NES but my n64 takes forever to get the game to work and it usually crashes :l
dadlezlooc has an N64
I still have an N64 and an NES but my n64 takes forever to get the game to work and it usually crashes :l
Mine is still mint condition the guy at gamestation said it was worth atleast £50 for it's like "new" :D
Lol I still have my old nintendo (got like 15 games or more with TWO controllers lolz and can still run!) yeah super mario was the bombdiggy. Parents sold my n64 and ps1 :'(. But I managed to save my resident evil 2 (both cds) and resident evil 3 :D
ohh good old times... to bad we have high tec computers and play Garry's Mod like little bitches and their hair.
that's why they have emulators lolz woot for emulators and roms :D.
Brings a tear to mah eye seeing all of the people that love old gamming.... :laugh:
But serious :|, Snes and nes are just dandy but Letus not forget teh dreamcast? or teh gamecube ehh
I say fuck wii let's all just get gamecube games and play LOZ: twillight princess untill someone rages D:<
that's why they have emulators lolz woot for emulators and roms :D.
It's not the same thing, The only reason why i still go see one of my ex's is because she has a fully working SNES with like 100+ games and i love my Mario Kart racing and Mario RPG
It's not the same thing, The only reason why i still go see one of my ex's is because she has a fully working SNES with like 100+ games and i love my Mario Kart racing and Mario RPG
Yeah nothing like blowing out a grain of dirt to get the game to read properly. (NES lol)
Yeah nothing like blowing out a grain of dirt to get the game to read properly. (NES lol)
i never had a chance to play on the old systems. :<
i never had a chance to play on the old systems. :<
Then you suck and should be burned for ever D:<
gamecube isn't old it came out alongside of ps2 | xbox one or the other or both. that was what 5 - 7 yrs?
gamecube isn't old it came out alongside of ps2 | xbox one or the other or both. that was what 5 - 7 yrs?
It's not old but still nintendo itself is so old that gamecube is awesome for it
And plus gamecube kind of reminds me more of good times with the bad, I mean when i was playing SMB with snes and kept dieing by bowsers retarded flames I litteraly broke my brothers controler over the tv, MAH POINT? I've had more good experiences with GC than SNES and N64
im 16, not 54
5-7 years is a long fawking time
Yeah nothing like blowing out a grain of dirt to get the game to read properly. (NES lol)
You know i still love how that was the only way to make the game work, by blowing into it. Lol i remember seing people try many other things to make it work because there didn't want to blow into the game. They failed of course
Yeah sure, I had to beat the original super mario bros in one session >_>
But n64 with 3d pingas make me esploadz :C
zelda OoT, Marioz 64, donkey kong with 8mb video expansion LOL, mario kartz, GOLDEN EYE, RAWRWRAWRAWRSDSTT
And ya, fuck the commercial cleaners for the nes games, give it a good blow and poofie - works -.-
And ya, fuck the commercial cleaners for the nes games, give it a good blow and poofie - works -.-
Lol i still can't believe people still bought that shit Lmao
Yeah sure, I had to beat the original super mario bros in one session >_>
But n64 with 3d pingas make me esploadz :C
zelda OoT, Marioz 64, donkey kong with 8mb video expansion LOL, mario kartz, GOLDEN EYE, RAWRWRAWRAWRSDSTT
And ya, fuck the commercial cleaners for the nes games, give it a good blow and poofie - works -.-
i remeber my first n64
i came in my 3yo ways
Look at mah sig (Old School Gamer)