Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Banana Hat on June 30, 2010, 04:39:37 AM
With mid summer starting and wild party's making me want to calm my life down a bit I'm hopping to start up the old gmod servers and make them better faster and stronger than before.
I also hope to make make them self sufficient money wise.
If you haven guessed already I'm hoping to use advertising to cover the costs of running the servers. This should be possible in theory since the source engine allows html to be displayed ingame.
Here are my questions.
1. Would it really work? I'm not entirely sure the ads will function properly in the game.
2. How would you feel if the server you were playing on had ads? I wouldn't want pop ups or anything that would actively distract you from the game however I still need it to get attention.
3. Hopefully this would be able to cover the costs of upgrading my bandwidth. Do you think this would make enough money per month to cover my bill?
Instead of having adds pop up ingame wouldnt it be easier to show them on server join? or/and in the case of matches on round end and map change? I wouldnt mind having adds popup ingame as long as they dont completely distract or cover the gameplay.
As for the technicalthings i dont know but it shud be possible.
Instead of having adds pop up ingame wouldnt it be easier to show them on server join? or/and in the case of matches on round end and map change? I wouldnt mind having adds popup ingame as long as they dont completely distract or cover the gameplay.
As for the technicalthings i dont know but it shud be possible.
I was thinking of adding them to the spawn menu. Opening the menu happens frequently and would result in a large amount of views. Doing this during loading time would be impossible.
My Idea. And it has been used once in a game.
Put adds within the map. Like on bill board would actually add realism.
Put them in like spawn area since there will be ppl always there.
I wouldn't mind if you put ads.
My Idea. And it has been used once in a game.
Put adds within the map. Like on bill board would actually add realism.
Put them in like spawn area since there will be ppl always there.
Do this ^ =O
I wouldn't mind if you put ads.
Do this ^ =O
lol I don't think I would get money for that.
lol I don't think I would get money for that.
i don't think you'd ge tmoney for adding them in the q menu either...sure you'll seem them when you open the menu but don't you only ge tmoney when you click on them?
My Idea. And it has been used once in a game.
Put adds within the map. Like on bill board would actually add realism.
Put them in like spawn area since there will be ppl always there.
Add props that have Ads, and shiz like that. Maybe add it in the name? 'sponsored by blah.blablah.blah'
I R HATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This r not turning into css .__.
lol I don't think I would get money for that.
banana you would have to make a custom map and tie the billboard to a custom entity then make the entity in lua hhtp.connect and get the ads for you so no matter what every time a player sees it you get money
if i pt that in the maps, would work for you?
i would gladly donate to rnd but coolz doesnt want my money </3
if i pt that in the maps, would work for you?
i would gladly donate to rnd but coolz doesn't want my money </3
if coolz don't want your money, then ill take it :) and this is a brilliant idea.
if i pt that in the maps, would work for you?
i would gladly donate to rnd but coolz doesnt want my money </3
do it anyway. he's a not-reason-don't-want-moneyç
I think it's because the donators will think they are superior to non-donators. Or because he doesn't want to feel like owing people shiz. Or maybe he just doesn't want money.
In my OPINION, not trying to me a jerk to anyone here but if you cant afford to run a server and have ads pay for the whole thing, then you should not be running it at all. But that's just me, you guys may have different reasons but I think the Menu ad thing will drive away players.
In my OPINION, not trying to me a jerk to anyone here but if you cant afford to run a server and have ads pay for the whole thing, then you should not be running it at all. But that's just me, you guys may have different reasons but I think the Menu ad thing will drive away players.
I respect your opinion. I'm not a big fan of ads ether infarct I find them kind of useless. This was simply and idea to cover my service bill if i got a bandwidth upgrade. large bandwidth means i can have a large amount of players and if the adds ran on a pay per view system I would get money every time someone opened the q menu. Which happens a lot.
Lol spelling + grammar fail -James
This is still a great idea, i maybe donated once or twice to RnD...lol
This is still a great idea, i maybe donated once or twice to RnD...lol
Coolz doesn't take donations.
I just don't think you would get much revenue from putting ads in-game. Game servers just don't get that high of a traffic volume. Game developers can pull it off since they get revenue from ALL of the clients that play.
The problem is, they would count by the individual connections connecting to the server, and not by how many times something was viewed. since it would be far too easy just to have people take turns spamming the Q menu or w/e. And note that is Individual connections, so the same person connecting twice would not count as 2 hits.
I may be wrong on some of this, but ads in general are a dodgy slope. They act like a gateway drug, it might start with just one ad but they seem to multiply.
Easiest and least obtrusive way I could see this working would be to include something like google ad-sense to our motd. It only appears once, everyone sees it, and its easy to add in.
I think tho, that people have to actually click on the links in the ads for it to count as a hit, but I cant remember to be honest.
Another option would be to sell Rnd merchandise.... ^.^
I bet there is a T-shirt company or somthing out there that would accept designs and sell them for you and give you a cut of the profit... That could be fun for the community. Official Rnd T-Shirt design contest anyone? :)
I just don't think you would get much revenue from putting ads in-game. Game servers just don't get that high of a traffic volume. Game developers can pull it off since they get revenue from ALL of the clients that play.
The problem is, they would count by the individual connections connecting to the server, and not by how many times something was viewed. since it would be far too easy just to have people take turns spamming the Q menu or w/e. And note that is Individual connections, so the same person connecting twice would not count as 2 hits.
I may be wrong on some of this, but ads in general are a dodgy slope. They act like a gateway drug, it might start with just one ad but they seem to multiply.
Easiest and least obtrusive way I could see this working would be to include something like google ad-sense to our motd. It only appears once, everyone sees it, and its easy to add in.
I think tho, that people have to actually click on the links in the ads for it to count as a hit, but I cant remember to be honest.
Another option would be to sell Rnd merchandise.... ^.^
I bet there is a T-shirt company or somthing out there that would accept designs and sell them for you and give you a cut of the profit... That could be fun for the community. Official Rnd T-Shirt design contest anyone? :)
Another option would be to sell Rnd merchandise.... ^.^
I bet there is a T-shirt company or somthing out there that would accept designs and sell them for you and give you a cut of the profit... That could be fun for the community. Official Rnd T-Shirt design contest anyone? :)
This was thought up awhile ago and I'm planning to do this if people would be interested.
I'll setup a poll along with possible purchases per person to see if it would not end up costing me more money LOL
Things such as merchandise are physical things you receive for your money, which I believe is the only way to go.
I won't offer any code, positions, or "gimme" donations (etc.) - as that's just lame IMO, always has been.
Edit:// things like those are reserved for in-game competitions or forum based etc
Anyway, that's my take on it.
If you come up with some cool RND merchandise I'd buy it. I dont know about T-shirts though. Nothing implied or anything, but I dont know if I'd want to wear an RND T-Shirt.
If you come up with some cool RND merchandise I'd buy it. I dont know about T-shirts though. Nothing implied or anything, but I dont know if I'd want to wear an RND T-Shirt.
You will be the toast of the town! Come on! You could get some underwear with it too!
I would the design thingy, but I don't think I'd be able to buy the T-shirt :<
Anyway. As long as I don't have to pay through Internet, I can do it.
Ya know t-shirts might be an amazing idea. We could even make some server specific giving them slogans such as "Brain Muncher" or "Wire Pro" a lot of people here are proud of their skill on their favorite server. There may be legal issues here though as screen shots could infringe copyright. There would be a way around this however if we used them as a template for our own art.
T-shirts would be a brilliant idea actually, only thing would be how they would get to the people. Porto and all that shit.
Would any of you guys buy a T-Shirt. Be honest.
I always wear white shirt and jeans/shorts. I also only wear my 3 yr old running shoes or sandals so im not too fussy with clothing.
I dont like baggy shit though like those wanabe gangsta homos in the street with their pants down to their knees and their ugly, untasteful underwear showing and most of the time they usually have some ugly chick with them who doesnt know how to apply makeup properly and has all this mascarra and shiz making her look like a monster. and they usually wear their big hats to the side and have blings and chains and barf smell deo and and and... AAAAAAAAARGH
Yeah, i think that it would be fine to have an ad at the join or end of a server. For example, next to the map voting for TTT or zs place an ad.
>Downloading update of X game.
>Content hosting by: L4D
Do something like that.