Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: SabbathFreak911 on June 29, 2010, 04:00:24 PM
Now quit yo bitching and join the servers >O.
Now quit yo bitching and join the servers >O.
Maybe for you, but mines fucks up after 30 mins of playing my screen freezes and then all the colours are fucked can't even see anything or read anything... so whats the point?
I'm going to Kill Garry, always fucking with shit!
:O I haven't had that xD.
:O I haven't had that xD.
Ya since last night it started to happen hell it even changed my settings in game :mad:
Ya since last night it started to happen hell it even changed my settings in game :mad:
o_o that blows :/. Everything's fine for me so far.
Btw what was the update about?(what did it change?)
Btw what was the update about?(what did it change?)
Garrysmod switched from the 2005 (Hl2) Engine to the 2009 (TF2) Engine.
Garrysmod switched from the 2005 (Hl2) Engine to the 2009 (TF2) Engine.
Nope he switched to the 2010 Lol read the update news :P kinda funny how the 2005 version works alot better LMAO
Yeah the old one didnt have as much noticable bugs.
This new one is just a pain in the ass.
cant play Gmod with no account with Gmod on it...
cant play Gmod with no account with Gmod on it...
If ye know what I mean.
Multicore rendering