
Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Cake Face on June 28, 2010, 10:28:16 PM

Title: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Cake Face on June 28, 2010, 10:28:16 PM
ASRock A785GMH/128M AM3/AM2+/AM2 AMD 785G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard    

Broadway Com Corp OKIA-500-RB 500W ATX 12V V2.2 Power Supply

AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Thuban 2.8GHz Socket AM3 125W Six-Core Desktop Processor HDT55TFBGRBOX    

Kingston HyperX 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory Model KHX6400D2K2/2G    

Imagine running them 6 core processor. Playing gmod + crysis at the same time. While that takes 5 cores the other 1 is for instant porn streaming.

Or compile a map in hammer using 3 cores, playing gmod with 1 core, playing gta:sa with 2 cores.

I hope windows XP sp2 can support all of that.
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Mr.Franklin on June 28, 2010, 11:48:38 PM
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Sanders on June 29, 2010, 12:45:28 AM
Ahh you got me beat on the CPU. I only got a AMD Phenom II X4. 2 less cores. My cpu already feel outdated :(

Dats ok, I dont need to play crysis while making maps in hammer while simultaneously fapping to streaming porn or anything so 4 cores suffices for me.

That ram is looking dangerously low though captain. Better pull that shit to 4 or 8 gigs or your dreams of fapping to porn during crysis and mapping will be crushed.

Wait back the fun bus the fuck up. You plan on compiling a map in hammer, playing gmod, and playing gta at the same damn time. Are you too insane!?! How you going to play two games at once... I guess you could but you probably would just suck at both of them.

Final edit. At least the X6 uses the same socket (AM3) as the X4. I can just upgrade or whatever if I feel like it, since my mobo supports 125watt cpu.
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 29, 2010, 01:39:34 AM
Where's your GPU? your case? fans? and why so low RAM? and so low power supply? I would take a less better CPU and get better shiz......
Tell us the whole PC setup and then I'll be able to give feedback lawl
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Cake Face on June 29, 2010, 08:00:51 AM
Well those are the parts im PLANNING to get. I has a $350 budget here.

With those parts on my full pc set-up:

ASRock A785GMH Micro atx mobo
500W psu
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @ 2.8 ghz
Kingston HyperX 2GB
Geforce 8400 gs 512mb
250gb HDD
Windows Xp sp2

Gee I wish I could do something about the ram, but im $2 over my budget. But I just love that 6 core cpu. So I dont think I will be changing it. But for now until I can get a ram + OS upgrade, I dun think i'll stream pr0n + gta:sa + gmod at teh same time lol. Hopefully I will hit 200+ fps...but my graphics card will hold be back.
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 29, 2010, 08:50:39 AM
Well those are the parts im PLANNING to get. I has a $350 budget here.

With those parts on my full pc set-up:

ASRock A785GMH Micro atx mobo
500W psu
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @ 2.8 ghz
Kingston HyperX 2GB
Geforce 8400 gs 512mb
250gb HDD
Windows Xp sp2

Gee I wish I could do something about the ram, but im $2 over my budget. But I just love that 6 core cpu. So I dont think I will be changing it. But for now until I can get a ram + OS upgrade, I dun think i'll stream pr0n + gta:sa + gmod at teh same time lol. Hopefully I will hit 200+ fps...but my graphics card will hold be back.

Oh wtf is that setup? You took a 6 core CPU, 2GB of RAM, 500W and a shitty Geforce 8400?  Dude, IMO don't buy that setup, get a 4 core CPU or less and a better GPU and RAM, the 6 core CPU will be kind of useless without some good GPU and RAM, especially for games =\

But still, that's a kind-of good setup =\
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Shawn on June 29, 2010, 09:19:07 AM

I hope windows XP sp2 can support all of that.

Click the botton that says updates it will instal SP3 Lol
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: » Magic « on June 29, 2010, 09:32:25 AM
I would go with quad core and 4gb of ram
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Peetah on June 29, 2010, 09:36:05 AM
Too bad its an Asrock :(
I have much experience with them.
And consumers always send them back at the store i work at.
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Shawn on June 29, 2010, 09:37:10 AM
Too bad its an Asrock :(
I have much experience with them.
And consumers always send them back at the store i work at.

Maybe your store just sells defected products?
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Marked_One_KIA on June 29, 2010, 10:44:50 AM
since the therad was already starts
how good is my laptop?

cpu: T9500, 2 core @ 2.6ghz
GeForce 8800M GTX
6GB of ram
429 GB harddrive
screen is 17-inch 1920x1200

runs crysis great, though i can almost cook with this thing >_<
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 29, 2010, 11:23:17 AM
since the therad was already starts
how good is my laptop?

cpu: T9500, 2 core @ 2.6ghz
GeForce 8800M GTX
6GB of ram
429 GB harddrive
screen is 17-inch 1920x1200

runs crysis great, though i can almost cook with this thing >_<

Great laptop except the GPU, the CPU is quite good for a laptop, though this is off-topic, we were talking about Lolwut's PC setup =\
You can go post your setup at Tech lounge section =D
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Cake Face on June 29, 2010, 12:13:55 PM
Yea fag gtfo  :D

Now getting back, I dont play heavy games on it. I dont intend to run crysis at maximum settings at top resolution bla bla bla.
The GPU is just fine for me, and the ram...yea I can upgrade that next. But for now, it's fine. I had to change the PSU to a different brand to stay below the budget + shipping. Newegg ftw. Hopefully next time I can get a better gfx card tahts not a psu hog and moar ram.
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Marked_One_KIA on June 29, 2010, 12:14:11 PM
posting cause topic was already here :P
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Cake Face on June 29, 2010, 12:21:05 PM
Btw this is the new PSU

Broadway Com Corp OKIA-500-RB 500W ATX 12V V2.2 Power Supply

Of course its not one of those expensive 60$ LED psu's but it looks fine. $20 is good enough.
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Frank on June 29, 2010, 01:39:52 PM
I would go with quad core and 4gb of ram
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Peetah on June 29, 2010, 08:38:37 PM
Maybe your store just sells defected products?
lol no it is good store.

Canada computers check out there site.
http://www.canadacomputers.com/ (http://www.canadacomputers.com/)
Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Cake Face on July 01, 2010, 12:36:08 PM
Wait...all the parts are compatible with eachother right?

Title: Re: This sexy pc setup
Post by: Peetah on July 10, 2010, 08:45:07 PM
My personal experience.
Get an Asus or Gigabyte motherboard.
Budget wise go for Patriot, G.Skill, Kingston ram. Other brands may be bad or too expensive.
Psu get an Ocz or Corsair. There are also coolermaster and antec but there budget line are crap.
Cpu get ether an Amd or intel... Gpu Nvidia or Ati

The rest anything is find just dont cheap out.

Basically you are looking for the brand names first. Then going indepth in the specs.
mm yeah.

I work at a computer store so I know what im talking about...