
Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Introduce Yourself!/Steam Group Invites/Repromotions => Approved Respected Apps => Topic started by: Khamria on June 28, 2010, 03:31:07 PM

Title: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Khamria on June 28, 2010, 03:31:07 PM
First post in new forums, so I'm going to try to follow the guide-lines. Wish me luck!  :)
For starters: I am a Gmod adict, and my travels on the servers has lead me to the TTT, and (Although I play this less) Winter Survival servers of .:'=~rANdOm~=':. .

Name origins: I used to go by the name "Square-shot Sniperpants" while playing TFC until, about a year ago, I realized what a childish name that was. I spent days thinking of a name, when I thought of my rebellious nature, hence my in-game name TrUeReBeL.

Time on: I usually play when I have some spare time, or just need a break from the many other servers I have found my self playing on. You could find me on anytime except maybe 3:00 AM - 6:00 AM US Eastern time.

ETC: I first found myself on the random server for Wintersurvival. I played he for about a week then found another. I recently found it again and played a few rounds, and found that Wintersurvival didn't seem as fun anymore  :(. I later (by later I mean a week ago lol) found your TTT server, and I like it's player-size and general feel.

 I purposely try to be a "mysterious" kind of person. I never use my microphone. I never tell my age (or gender for that matter). I never spell out my name. ETC. BUT I will say some of my favorite things. Tae Kwan Do, I'm a first degree blackbelt senior. My favorite color is red. My favorite animal is a cat, especially black and white cats. And I hate dogs. I also sometimes use Source SDK.

Also there are claims that I "RDM and prop-kill." This is not true. Most of the times I "RDM'd," the one who I killed shot at (or around me) first. There was one guy I remember well that after we died he was all "WTF RDM." But after about 10 minutes, or so, of taking to him, he admitted shooting around me just so I'd lose karma. Honestly, this made my blood boil, but I don't think I acted too upset 8).

Some games I own:
Gmod (of course ^^)
C:SS (For map testing)
And a bunch more I have not installed yet.

Stuffz about me!
Name: TrUeReBeL
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:3629750
Friend(s): Some nice people I met on other servers and such!
Favorite subjects: School, Gmod, Source SDK (Hammer).
Age: None of your biz  ;D (Remember, I'm trying to be mysterious!)
Birthday: None of your biz ;D
Education: None of your biz ;D
Builds: Sometimes maps, models, and some (basic) wire things!
Location: (I already said my time zone, take a good guess!)
How to contact me: There is really no easy way. I only communicate VIA. Steamchat and of course on servers, so yeah...

Thank you for your time, and I hope you liked my intro!!!  ;)
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: jimonions on June 28, 2010, 05:30:57 PM
Im guessing your a male somewhere between 1 to 100.
Welcome to Random, your app is longer than required but idgaf
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Tomcat on June 28, 2010, 05:35:32 PM
is this a respected app or an introduction?
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: SheepsAholy on June 28, 2010, 06:09:23 PM
It's longer than most ADMIN apps :o welcome to random!
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Khamria on June 28, 2010, 07:02:01 PM
is this a respected app or an introduction?

Funny you should ask, I intended for it to be an introduction, but if it will pass for a respected application, ok then  ;D! But I have no idea about the rules/restrictions of respected (I.E. what they can and cannot do) so if I am accepted, I will need to read up!

Im guessing your a male somewhere between 1 to 100.
Welcome to Random, your app is longer than required but idgaf

Good guess  8) !

And thanks for all the welcomes!
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: SheepsAholy on June 28, 2010, 07:08:31 PM
Funny you should ask, I intended for it to be an introduction, but if it will pass for a respected application, ok then  ;D! But I have no idea about the rules/restrictions of respected (I.E. what they can and cannot do) so if I am accepted, I will need to read up!

don't worry with a introduction like this, you'll pass respected request with flying colors. (not even my respected & admin app combined is as long as thing is) if you have at min of a week and some friends on the server your welcomed in my book. :)
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Khamria on June 28, 2010, 07:13:05 PM
OK then. ^^
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Tomcat on June 28, 2010, 07:52:15 PM
so i might as well give you the APPROVED STATUS ON THE APP tell me if i should lock it
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Sanders on June 29, 2010, 12:51:49 AM
Too late bish i already lox it.
Title: Re: TrUeReBeL's Intro!
Post by: Tomcat on June 29, 2010, 10:27:54 AM
Too late bish i already lox it.