Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Frank on May 19, 2010, 04:05:47 PM
Sanders(or any other admins) WILL NOT, AT ALL, facepunch prop killers WHO HAVE AGREED WITH SOMEONE ELSE to fight. No punishment can be made without proper recordings of the situation(e.g. chat logs, console logs, screenshots, demos).
Sabbath or any other prop killers, WILL NOT, AT ALL, kill people without their consentiment, despite their status(e.g. AFK, RDMers). They shall also fight in an isolated area of the map, were people never go through, and if someone who doesn't want to battle approaches, they should stop until the subject moves on, or whatever the person does. In the case he/she doesn't leave, you must proceed to change your battle zone. When traitor, DO NOT PROP BATTLE, as you will ruin the course of the game. Prop killing ANYONE while being a traitor must and can be pnuished with a kick or a band depending of the previous times or the gravity of the infringement.
If Sabbath breaks his part, he shall get punished depending on the gravity of the issue.
If Sanders breaks HIS part... We all fuck him up, because we can't do anything else.
Everything or nothing. Your choice.
Okay so basically I've got everything to lose and Sanders nothing.
I fuck up, I get perma.
SANDERS fucks up, he gets fail spammed by ppl on a forum...
Not to mention, he wouldn't keep his word. Honesty and promise isn't quite Sanders's thing.
I do not agree to these terms, for this reason.
"My issue with consented prop killing is by the nature of prop killing. By default it is not an exact art, and bystanders will be killed by it."
Therefore i pursue a no prop kill policy, with no concessions.
Also, sabbath, your argument is ad hominem fallacy. Try attacking the argument.
Okay so basically I've got everything to lose and Sanders nothing.
I fuck up, I get perma.
SANDERS fucks up, he gets fail spammed by ppl on a forum...
Not to mention, he wouldn't keep his word. Honesty and promise isn't quite Sanders's thing.
You don't get perma'd, and Sanders position will be re-considered by Coolz I guess and maybe demoted, Sanders is honest from what I've seen....
You don't get perma'd, and Sanders position will be re-considered by Coolz I guess and maybe demoted, Sanders is honest from what I've seen....
I highly doubt Coolz would demote an admin because he didn't hold a deal...
If I am going to do this I need two things.
1) I need to be allowed to prop kill AFks. It's annoying when an AFK is a traitor but no one will kill him because they don't want to risk losing the karma. I also need it for target practice, wouldn't want to lose my game :D.
2) I would need word from Coolz that if Sanders broke this deal, he would get demoted (I doubt this will happen).
*added another part for PropKillers agreement.
This is not between me and you. This is for the sake of rules.
I must agree that some form of killing must be made for AFK's. Prop killing is crude but I guess it is ok.
This means no prop killing except for AFKs. I set that they must be afk for 3 minutes before prop kill.
I highly doubt Coolz would demote an admin because he didn't hold a deal...
If I am going to do this I need two things.
1) I need to be allowed to prop kill AFks. It's annoying when an AFK is a traitor but no one will kill him because they don't want to risk losing the karma. I also need it for target practice, wouldn't want to lose my game :D.
2) I would need word from Coolz that if Sanders broke this deal, he would get demoted (I doubt this will happen).
Why won't you try making an agreement between you guys? see if that works, if not, will use DA COOLZ to decide lawl.
We tried more then once. Frank just tried to get us to agree with something on Steam (thanks for the effort) and when Frank left the chat we were still trying to work something out but it didn't go so well. A little later again Frank brought us into another chat and tried again, yet again no luck. Only Sanders threatening to facepunch me.
I have a right to post this here because no one listens or reads any posts.
http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,3484.0.html (http://forum.randomgs.co.cc/index.php/topic,3484.0.html)
I AM going to put a firm grip on prop killing. No need to talk about it any further.
Since the issue at hand has enough significance and causing so much grievance on the forums and In-Game, I will just have to grease monkey the Game-Mode to dis-allow you to prop kill if you guys keep this up. Be mature about it and maybe you can talk with me about how we could settle a fix out so that both parties will have a reasonable consensus on how we can ultimately solve the problems of having and removing the abilities of the Magneto-Stick. No further posts in this thread will be needed.
Note: It IS in the rules, and IS said by coolzeldad that ANYONE caught prop killing will and should be Instantly Banned from the server. You your heads people, you are trying to fight against the rules.
If you have questions or concerns, or just want to talk about the matter or anything else, just PM me.
- Krasher
Krasher, your solution is a pipe dream until it is done. We need a fix now. I'd also like it noted that coolz previously posted that prop killing is bannable (with no exemptions) previously. Let me find the post.
In other words with need Coolz which is quite pathetic but oh well.
Sorry for the double-post, but Sanders gave me a very important quote:
Whether most people use it correctly or not, the 'Magneto Stick' has a very influential role in the server..
Keep in mind, it's insta-bannable from the server by any admin. Also votebannable.
Which makes Sanders win.
Re-opened by request.
Sorry for the double-post, but Sanders gave me a very important quote:
Which makes Sanders win.
Re-opened by request.
u suck so go eat a dick
u suck so go eat a dick
There goes any scrap of credibility you had regarding either the Artik mod matter or the Sanders Mod matter. Attack the argument not the person.
This goes for everybody.
omg hkill415 WINS
omg hkill415 WINS
Omg facepalm.
Sorry for the double-post, but Sanders gave me a very important quote:
Which makes Sanders win.
Re-opened by request.
lol artic u added me to the watch list you should go eat a sandwich u *PINGAZ*
lol artic u added me to the watch list you should go eat a dick u nigger shit fuck face bitch shit ass
Could do without the random out of place swears and racism but okay...
Sorry but a troll ruined your thread =\
Need to wait for Coolz to deal with him, I'll lock the thread.
unloxed noaz
*added moar shiz.
Fien i guess. I don't want to hear about people breakin teh rules when I'm not around or i smack a bitch. Even if admin not around, follow rules. You don't know if there might be a person there who will whine to me.
Okay I'll agree to this. But one thing, can you allow traitors to prop kill pl0x? :D
Cause I've run out of ammo before and didn't really have another weapon so I had to go with a barrel lol. I'm fine if you don't want this, but I think it'd be better lol.
*Locked by the topic owner's request*