What happens on 1 guys 1 screwdriver? I might be interested :-\Don't ask, I think I know what it is. If I'm correct, it's the scariest shit anyone will have ever seen.
and EncyclopediaDramatica's Offended
what is dat?
http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Offended (http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Offended)Oh god, I almost threw up looking at that. I swear, when it started getting to gay porn, I was scared out of my mind.
I dare you scroll until the end of it.
I won't look up 1g1s because I'd throw up.
Told you.
We watched this video about jews in Nazi places.
It was like Heaven compared to 1G1SC or Offended.
2 camels in a tiny car.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
OMG MAKE IT STOP PLS MAKE IT STOP!It is absolutely disgusting isn't it.
Agh I can't stand 5 seconds of PICS.
worst vid i saw were two women in sharp high heels stabbing their hells into a dog until it died
BME Pain Olympics Beats Anything.
2g1c is nothing, dude.inorite
2 camels in a tiny car.Two Angry Camels in a Car (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWQvFmtmXc8#)
Im not watchin that 3 guys 1 hammer video, thats fucked up.
I watched a video where there were russian soldiers that stood on this guys head then they sawed it off with a knife, and i almost like threw up, i wanted to kill the guy that did it right then and there lol. so im not watching it lol.
I'm not sick fuck like all of you so to me this all is shit :lMagik.
THis topic is the worst thing i have ever seen :OOnionIB, not that i saw it, but it will probably it...
Oh lawl, you guyz cant handle nothin.Watch 2kidsinasanbox. Your penis will shrivel up and cry.
I scrolled through offensive atleast 3 times
Jerked it to 2 girls 1 cup
Pain olympics made my balls hurt
Watch 2kidsinasanbox. Your penis will shrivel up and cry.
Jeez I just watched 3 guys 1 hammer.....that shit is fucked up, stupid asshole bitches, hope they get burned and stay alive and then killed with needles...fucking bitches....was hard to watch the whole thing...ehh iv seen worst i saw a video of a baby getting thrown in a wood chipper :( :'(
Baby? Oh my god. I won't ever see that. I won't pleasure them. Fucking shitfucks. I wish I could smash their bones with a hammer. Piece by piece. Smash them. Slowly. Whack their heads with brass knuckles. Brun there limbs. Cut them from top to bottom. Make them fucking suffer. FUCKING. SUFFER.HORRIBLE
http://www.ohlookaforum.com/sick-vids-f21/dagestan-massacre-t620.html (http://www.ohlookaforum.com/sick-vids-f21/dagestan-massacre-t620.html)
Enjoy it!
Dude, that's nothing. There are worse shit in iNet. Like the baby thing... :(ehh there actually dead the father umm killed them