Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Server Requests/Suggestions => Topic started by: LD300 on April 27, 2010, 07:29:11 PM
Just making a topic about TTT karma, I remember somebody suggesting (I think it was cakeface, don't totally remember) about the karma system.
Instead of reducing the damage you do, increase the damage they take, at 10 karma, it's multiplied by like 50-90%, and lower the damage you do by just a little, enough so someone doesn't die immediatly from 1 shot, but not so it takes like 10 shots with a rifle IN THE HEAD to kill him
well i agree yet disagree at the same time.....
you see this will allow people that might of accidentaly or rightfully killed someone (rdmers and propkillers) to still be able to defend themselves in the later rounds but............. what about the total douches??? this will allow them to still rdm people without fear of losing karma.... cause lets be honest the current karma system is what holds most rdmers back.... why do you think there are soo many rdms last round??? now imagine that amount EVERY SINGLE ROUND........ I dunno its a good idea but we gotta fix it so it will work for both situations