Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Community Admin Apps => Topic started by: Pingaz on April 27, 2010, 07:16:28 AM
okay the reason i want to have admin is because every time i get on there are people needing an admin left and right but no ones online. but if i become an admin ill fix that stuff ppl need help with im online almost 24/7. also i keep coming back to the forums like ever day reading posts and stuff i could help with. if you do deside to make me an admin i will not abuse it in any way shape or form this is solely for the people not me i want to help. if i do abuse it in any way (i will not you have my word i swear on the bible) you can perma ban me from every random server there is.
and that is why i would like to be an admin.
Name Info:
Steam Username:
Real Name:
Trevor c. Childers
Hours on Garry'sMod:
over 9000 nah. but i have played sence like over a year 24/7 and have been respected for bout 6 months. or more
15 (going to be 16 on march 16th..... 2011)
being awsome ftw
What I'm good at:
obviously games... but to be more specific puzzle/challenges
When You Might See Me In Gmod:
all the @!$#$%@# time
btw i like green
need moar info, but you r pingaz so YES
Who are you ?
have you seen others??
you need like 60 lines i knnow you but not to well
Here is my Answer to you Pingaz.
Not enough info, not enough posts on forum, and I don't really remember you lawl
I say 0.
I'm her to deny all admin applications I see
I'm her to troll
I'm her to make you cry
I'm her to shit brix
I'm her to spam
I'm her to help
I'm her to deny all admin applications I see
I'm her to troll
I'm her to make you cry
I'm her to shit brix
I'm her to spam
I'm her to help
Dude, if you're posting here at-least vote, if you want to spam, go do it in another section please.
(Btw I voted 0, if you don't know what it means, then it means that I just don't think you should be an admin right now)
Hur dur -10000 +9999
Hur dur -10000 +9999
Thats under 9000!!! *explodes.
-1000 +9999
Equals to...
Oh wait, I get it.
-1 FTW!
i voted ²&é"'(§è!çà)-
i see youre getting through this with flying colours
apparently hes SERIOUS to.