Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: Sanders on April 11, 2010, 03:57:50 PM
Stupid bitch ass votekick that crashes us all the goddamn time making me fucking voteban people who dont deserve it simply to prevent the server from fucking crashing. What a piece of shit.
Cool story, bro.
But really.
Annoying bitch damn sick-fuck kick is annoying bitch damn sick-fuck.
They still got that bug ?
Actually I have found out this not to be the case, it crashes people when EVERYONE votes, so there has to be 1 person that doesn't vote and all is good. I found this to be true when there was a voteban, everyone voted...boom i crashed. Came back, another minge, did a votekick because it wasn't as bad. Not everyone voted, most voted yes, It kicked them and we went on playing...
That glitch is BULL POOP
That glitch is BULL POOP
i agree