Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Trinity on April 10, 2010, 12:05:09 AM
Forest Assault is a realm vs realm(pvp) event,
it will be centered around the players defending certain positions such as a flag or castle that holds advance technology
The event will be based off a steam-punk theme wear stealthy,agile players will be placed on one team while normal players will be using their powerful technology to destroy the barbaric forest tribe
The event lasts all month and will begin each week,with times varying between weeks within 3 to 9 PM PST
(so in short its a team of players versus all players on the server)
ya nice event for wire
Very nice war fir Wirebuild, ill put out my Towers and some of my cars and trucks to play around xDD
i'll be on my own team with just 1 wooden wall and my pewpew nuke :)
If I remember, I was too, and I'll say one thing: THAT WAS COOOOOOOL
If I remember, I was too, and I'll say one thing: THAT WAS COOOOOOOL
Damn straight
looks cool 8)
i'll be on my own team with just 1 wooden wall and my pewpew nuke :)
not going to happen lol ill be on the opposite disablin the nukes.
good idea btw
cool man, ill just go up on those green balloons and pwn everybody xD
cool man, ill just go up on those green balloons and pwn everybody xD
Watch for anti air if so
working on your fairy gun
i need teh model of teh bugbait
Need moar votes
Hehe. I shal be all alone wit my good old spy cam. i guess with some explosives atached to it.
I will make an event xD
E2 Showcase xD
Wait I already won, lol.
Maybe, robot wars? *hint hint*
But is all this time?
But is all this time?
[sarcasm]Now that made some sense[/sarcasm]
[sarcasm]Now that made some sense[/sarcasm]
:laugh: :laugh:
That was harsh tho.
I don't understand!
I don't understand!
Now, Just smile and walk away.
You're supposed to play dead or stand completely still
I lose interest
You're supposed to play dead or stand completely still
I lose interest
But what should i do after he have left?
Call him to come back ?
But what should i do after he have left?
Call him to come back ?
I never got that far
I will make an event xD
E2 Showcase xD
Wait I already won, lol.
Maybe, robot wars? *hint hint*
Dont make me wip out my Gundam now :O
Need Moar votes and feedback
I want Softimage XSI.
So I can make props "RND props" to this forest assault. :police:
But need a admin to enable player damage!
Can are more cool if they understand.
But we need more stuff. Ex.: 2 players have a tank, 3 players have a hummer, 4 have a airplane, 2 or more have a fort...
But need a admin to enable player damage!
Can are more cool if they understand.
But we need more stuff. Ex.: 2 players have a tank, 3 players have a hummer, 4 have a airplane, 2 or more have a fort...
I call fort.
But like the idea? :question:
THIS MEANS WAAAARRRR!! i might be posting my warmachines so HAXX
i call second fort
i already have my perfect war theme song
'Lacrimosa (Choir)' - Immediate Music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHPYOcgde98#)