Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: boardtech on April 02, 2010, 10:38:00 PM
All he does is come to wirebuild to prop push. I cannot get any witnesses at this time and i was votebanned from the server.
imma be thar in serc and keel mofo
All he does is come to wirebuild to prop push. I cannot get any witnesses at this time and i was votebanned from the server.
that is SO TRUE! he always says "your props lag me" and starts prop pushing my props! That really annoys me also, yes, he also votekicks and votebans for now reason also, im 100% aggreeing with this thread.
I permabanned him
I permabanned him
Cool story Bro.
:| you lied boss
:| you lied boss
He's a nice guy, can't believe he would do that for no reason =\
Oh btw, no proofs - no....ummm O.o poofs? =D what I mean is that if you don't have proofs nothing will happen.
He Prop Block And Push and kill
you know, you can just go in noclip and ignore him. Instead of bombing my building area where you were conflicting with mouse which got out of hand, you could have just went somewhere else. Mouse is mega bored :P
imma be thar in serc and keel mofo
you misspelled your signature it says stranger instead of stronger haha.
edit: i is wrong
Its always perma-banning with you guys... I swear every time i go in the servers its just a constant stream of requests for me to perma-ban people for every slight affront they have received throughout the course of the week.
You know, last time i checked, people didn't get sent to prison for hitting someone in the back of the head with a rubber band.
The times I ever had to permanently ban someone, I can count on one hand.
For me at least i feel the punishment should fit the crime...
For example:
A Kick/jail/explode/20deaths etc.: Someone is being an ass, prop pushing, spamming, etc. for the first or second time
1 Hour ban: Person immediately rejoins the server and continues action.
1 day - 1 week ban: I notice someone has been causing major problems numerous times
I find most of the time, all i have to do is kick someone, and that usually is enough to send them a clear enough message and then they stop. It's only in very few cases that i have to actually resort to banning someone.
The only things i ever perma ban for, is DDOS'ing someone, hacking, or is evading bans.
Something that does irritate me to no end, is when a respected user decided I'm just an idiot and don't know what I'm doing, and am obviously going to let this horrid violator get away with what ever that are doing. So they take it upon them selves to vote-ban someone, and 99% of the time, they do it right in the middle of me attempting to kick/ban them.
I tend to revoke people's respected when they do that to me.
Why is this irritating to me? Well, I have an entire arsenal of things I can do to someone to punish them without resorting to banning them.
Its always perma-banning with you guys... I swear every time i go in the servers its just a constant stream of requests for me to perma-ban people for every slight affront they have received throughout the course of the week.
You know, last time i checked, people didn't get sent to prison for hitting someone in the back of the head with a rubber band.
The times I ever had to permanently ban someone, I can count on one hand.
For me at least i feel the punishment should fit the crime...
For example:
A Kick/jail/explode/20deaths etc.: Someone is being an ass, prop pushing, spamming, etc. for the first or second time
1 Hour ban: Person immediately rejoins the server and continues action.
1 day - 1 week ban: I notice someone has been causing major problems numerous times
I find most of the time, all i have to do is kick someone, and that usually is enough to send them a clear enough message and then they stop. It's only in very few cases that i have to actually resort to banning someone.
The only things i ever perma ban for, is DDOS'ing someone, hacking, or is evading bans.
Something that does irritate me to no end, is when a respected user decided I'm just an idiot and don't know what I'm doing, and am obviously going to let this horrid violator get away with what ever that are doing. So they take it upon them selves to vote-ban someone, and 99% of the time, they do it right in the middle of me attempting to kick/ban them.
I tend to revoke people's respected when they do that to me.
Why is this irritating to me? Well, I have an entire arsenal of things I can do to someone to punish them without resorting to banning them.
when people prop pushed me or were being gay i would get teh balls of steel on them but i cant use them anymore so now i just kill'em with pewpew
I browse this section for the lulz because of all the petty bullshit that goes on with your "respected" members, its called a kick and a "ban" (I say ban because with you its a 1 hour "leave") and when someone gets kicked/banned for a SHORT amout of time, you guys explode in a mass of ABUSE ABUSE ABUSE, but this is just retarded
Xrain makes a good point and here we have hkill saying something incredibly stupid and off topic
Seems like your community needs some work
Cool story Bro.
Lol classix :D
Lol classix :D
I browse this section for the lulz because of all the petty bullshit that goes on with your "respected" members, its called a kick and a "ban" (I say ban because with you its a 1 hour "leave") and when someone gets kicked/banned for a SHORT amout of time, you guys explode in a mass of ABUSE ABUSE ABUSE, but this is just retarded
Xrain makes a good point and here we have hkill saying something incredibly stupid and off topic
Seems like your community needs some work
one wat i said is not off topic im giving advice kinda and if u think this community need work maby u should do it the are more than 900 community so it would umm VERY hard to work on the community so u should stfu you bastard
one wat i said is not off topic im giving advice kinda and if u think this community need work maby u should do it the are more than 900 community so it would umm VERY hard to work on the community so u should stfu you bastard
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I browse this section for the lulz because of all the petty bullshit that goes on with your "respected" members, its called a kick and a "ban" (I say ban because with you its a 1 hour "leave") and when someone gets kicked/banned for a SHORT amout of time, you guys explode in a mass of ABUSE ABUSE ABUSE, but this is just retarded
Xrain makes a good point and here we have hkill saying something incredibly stupid and off topic
Seems like your community needs some work
OMFG, I agree with you. ALSO ROFL about hkill saying something soooooo off topic.
OMFG, I agree with you. ALSO ROFL about hkill saying something soooooo off topic.
*cries* :'(
*cries* :'(
lmao rat.
cant believe your a minge now, rat.
When was he not?
Fucking blew my steam train off the tracks and laughed
lmao rat.
cant believe your a minge now, rat.
lol :P actually im not a minge anymore, unless tech says to kill them, do this, do that and stuff :/
lol :P actually im not a minge anymore, unless tech says to kill them, do this, do that and stuff :/
NU :-[
NU :-[
Open the cage and let him go. He said he no minge anymore. I dont think hes lying.
1: i dont like annoy mouse (off topic)
2: he is gay (off topic)
3: i think he should go eat a dick (off topic)
4:he's a epic minge (off topic)
5: you dont have proof (on topic)
What's the matter with gay people? Not welcome in your little, immature World where you are the king of everything?
1: i dont like annoy mouse (off topic)
2: he is gay (off topic)
3: i think he should go eat a dick (off topic)
4:he's a epic minge (off topic)
5: you dont have proof (on topic)
Got a problem with homosexuality?
Got a problem with homosexuality?
No. You.
No. You.
Ok, I win.
Ok, You win.
mr.troll you are always against me
So immature, can't lose even if its obvious he did, like I used to behave when I was 5 =D
Even people that don't know Anony or Hkill can understand that Hkill is an immature bullshitting minge-spammer and that most probably Anony had a reason/didn't do that.
So immature, can't lose even if its obvious he did, like I used to behave when I was 5 =D
Even people that don't know Anony or Hkill can understand that Hkill is an immature bullshitting minge-spammer and that most probably Anony had a reason/didn't do that.
how about u stfu u minge gay asshole fucktard
no you
no you
no u
You're right, me.
Yup. Indeed it's you.
how about u stfu u minge gay asshole fucktard
Stfu lil kid, you got angry cause I'm right, eh? =P
A minge calling ME a minge ROFL you are a funny assraped bitch, we all hate you dickhead.
o snap :-X
Stfu lil kid, you got angry cause I'm right, eh? =P
A minge calling ME a minge ROFL you are a funny assraped bitch, we all hate you dickhead.
lol im the little kid all ur combacks have fuck,minge,bitch.etc in them so im the little kid ur the one he thinks a good comeback has to have curssing
coolzdad dosent have a swear words in every comeback he says
ruben no
casey i pretty sure no
tomcat no
minic no
most of them are over 14
so what does that make u 9 maby 12
lol im the little kid all ur combacks have fuck,minge,bitch.etc in them so im the little kid ur the one he thinks a good comeback has to have curssing
coolzdad dosent have a swear words in every comeback he says
ruben no
casey i pretty sure no
tomcat no
minic no
most of them are over 14
so what does that make u 9 maby 12
Jeez, you really trying hard to own me lawl
First thing I didn't say fuck even once, second you cursed me, I curse you, sorry but that's how I was taught in Israel, too bad you don't understand Hebrew cause then I could curse the crap out of you =D
Third, the people that you wrote down don't get cursed on the forums AND they have different mentality, also, cursing doesn't make me a lil kid, it's just to insult you and to show that I hate you.
Another thing, you have tons of grammar mistakes which proves you really are a lil kid and you are actually owning yourself cause you started cursing me =D
From now on I'm not going to reply to you, because that will be immature and a waste of time.
Who are you talking to, Artik?
Who are you talking to, Artik?
Lol Frank, too hkill, can't you see I quoted him? O.o
Lol Frank, to, can't you see I quoted him? O.o
Who were you talking to, dude? I really mean it :/
*hint hint
Who were you talking to, dude? I really mean it :/
*hint hint
Lol, I won't do that cause that will just show I'm immature, sorry Frank, but I was talking to hkill....
What ever you are doing Frank. Its not a good idea lol. There pissed off already.
Lol. Ignoring is like winning without even playing.
Lol. Ignoring is like winning without even playing.
Lol. Ignoring is like winning without even playing.
Lol I actually did a high five. It's like the brofist.
Lol I actually did a high five. It's like the brofist.
Damit I broke my monitor. :'(
Damit I broke my monitor. :'(
xD I almost did that and then remembered I can break my monitor lawl
anyone want cookies? ;D
anyone want cookies? ;D
Hey rat, send me a cookies of i kill you with a mousetrap !
Hey rat, send me a cookies of i kill you with a mousetrap !
Okay rat, go get some cheese.
Okay rat, go get some cheese.
kiss me part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whr81CcqgYA&playnext_from=TL&videos=HsK1gohAFHs#ws)