
Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: Krasher on March 10, 2010, 07:44:47 PM

Title: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: Krasher on March 10, 2010, 07:44:47 PM
I barely ever report, but this is just plain dumb

Well at first it was a guy named duck something. Then A guy named "-=WG=- connor [AGG]" Started mega minging:

What we were talking about:
Krasher(Me): Are you going to stop?
Connor: You are all cock sucking stupid niggers.
Krasher(Me): What did you just call me.
Connor: A cock sucking nigger.
Krasher(Me): :l

Click here to see his steam account page. (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995536669)

Click Here to download the demo and see how bad he minged wirebuild. (http://www.multiupload.com/67I05CUBOF)

We couldn't kick or ban him, it was not working.
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on March 11, 2010, 03:02:49 AM
Damn you are a nice guy, that guy was lucky it wasn't me because i would have kicked him ..
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: » Magic « on March 11, 2010, 08:57:51 AM
Let me haax details out of himz


Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: Boat Sinker on March 11, 2010, 12:59:11 PM
I barely ever report, but this is just plain dumb

Well at first it was a guy named duck something. Then A guy named "-=WG=- connor [AGG]" Started mega minging:

What we were talking about:
Krasher(Me): Are you going to stop?
Connor: You are all cock sucking stupid niggers.
Krasher(Me): What did you just call me.
Connor: A cock sucking nigger.
Krasher(Me): :l

Click here to see his steam account page. (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995536669)

Click Here to download the demo and see how bad he minged wirebuild. (http://www.multiupload.com/67I05CUBOF)

We couldn't kick or ban him, it was not working.

i don't see how people can get offended by swearing over the internet.  swearing is so petty
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: Krasher on March 11, 2010, 01:00:20 PM
i don't see how people can get offended by swearing over the internet.  swearing is so petty
Racial Slurs are not allowed last time I checked :I. And along with the minging
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: hkill415 on March 11, 2010, 04:51:35 PM
lol probally a russian there like that
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: Tomcat on March 11, 2010, 07:18:58 PM
i dun liek this
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: Majoras mask on March 19, 2010, 06:40:01 PM
Damn you are a nice guy, that guy was lucky it wasn't me because i would have kicked him ..

We couldn't kick or ban him, it was not working.
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: L on March 21, 2010, 12:21:44 PM
that guy probably hates rANdOm.
Title: Re: Krasher is reporting?
Post by: BrotherBlade on March 21, 2010, 12:44:12 PM
When I tried to see get the demo it took e to a dating site :o