
Tech Lounge => Mapping => Topic started by: » Magic « on March 10, 2010, 10:57:20 AM

Title: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: » Magic « on March 10, 2010, 10:57:20 AM

I am offering a server for users to test their new maps  :-\

Windows(R) XP SP3.  ???

The Servers info  :police:

Server Name: .:~`=-rANdOm-=`~:. Map Testing Server | Custom + New Map + GameMode Testing | -= Magic =-
Server IP/Port: ~DYNAMICIP~:27015
Server Pass: rANdOm
Map: The map that is being tested or if none the nightly version of rnd_ultimatum_v2 will be run
Dedicated/Listen: Temporary Dedicated, Run Upun Request
Country/Location: Southern United Kingdom
Gamemode(s): Anything The Map Is Made For, I Can Get
CPU: 2.4GHz Dual (Suprisingly Stable, Can Handle 300 Exploding Barrelz :D)

If you want to test your map, Post here like so, or PM me;  ;)

Map: rnd_ultimatum_v2  :o
Gamemode: Sandbox  ;D

I will try to make the server permanent, For now, Its Upun request  8)

Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on March 11, 2010, 03:22:27 AM
Ok, thats for the info...
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: » Magic « on March 11, 2010, 08:07:41 AM
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on March 12, 2010, 03:18:21 AM
Sry i mean "Ok, thanks for the info..."
Not "thats" :/
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: » Magic « on March 12, 2010, 08:24:04 AM
Sry i mean "Ok, thanks for the info..."
Not "thats" :/

oh alright, your welcome xD
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: Tomcat on March 12, 2010, 02:15:26 PM
haters can hate
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: Proudly Infected on March 13, 2010, 12:33:46 PM
good, thanks magic, this will give me a good start when my maps close to completion.
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: ƒąĢĢǿŧ™ on March 13, 2010, 09:29:48 PM
oh alright, your welcome xD
why are we acting like strangers ?
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: » Magic « on May 18, 2010, 08:01:58 AM
bump + sticky 'cause this is a useful contribution to mappers and my free time :P
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: ArTIk*BaNAnA on May 18, 2010, 08:37:50 AM
Lolwut no IP?  How can I enter the server if there's no IP? D=
Title: Re: Server For Testing Maps!
Post by: » Magic « on May 18, 2010, 08:39:42 AM
Lolwut no IP?  How can I enter the server if there's no IP? D=

It's temp only available on request because 1. My IP is Dynamic, It changes every hour. 2. My router has night disable feature crap.

EDIT: If you want it up I can put it up now fo joo :P