Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Community Admin Apps => Topic started by: Xexxar on March 03, 2010, 04:01:42 PM
Hello, Its Xexxar again making another more recent admin application.
Name: Alex
Age: 6 (lol 15)
Steam name: Xexxar
Steam ID: Lazy, I'll get it later.
Location: Dat place in amerika
Education: Smart
Coding Knowledge: A lot of lua and some mapping.
Average Online Time per 2 Weeks: 119 Hours.
Playing Time on RND: I have been on RND since August (8 months.) Registered October 1st.
Administration Experience: I have been admin on my friends sandbox and a few other places.
Why I would like administrational responsiblilities:
I want to be admin to help RND. I have been noticing a lot of hackers on ZS, and general mingy players. (People that try to prop kill and cade break, a nusience to ZS players) Also people are generally being more disruptive of flood and sled build. If you know me you know that I play alot. I already tend to help out people when problems occur on other servers. However I dont enjoy leaving when im on a kill streak or human. With administration I could simply redeem myself after I helped the other server.
Want I want to change for the better of RND:
I do not want to keep the way respected is earned currently. Respected means respected. Not someone who takes time to type a little about themselves.
I think that the map changer on zs needs to be changed to only be able to do the same map after 4 times.
I want to make it so people who are worthy of things get them. People like sanders have been playing for a year. I think that there should be a spot between respected and admin. You could call it Moderator. The person is allowed to kick and slay players.
I also want to change the way flood works. The constant messages complaining of afks riding on boats when everyone is dead is annoying me. We could make a team script. Like team red, team blue, team yellow. Etc...
Wire is wire so liek...
Roleplay is vitually empty... My idea is so take the slots from that and use them to create an scars game. You could have races on gm_speedway_v2 and contests and all that fun.
I want to help RND for the better. Consider adding me to help you.
Hooray for your first +1!
Add more info
Edit:// Nothing to do with RND ^
No, -1.
Oh god so sexxy.
Oh god so sexxy.
Vote for Xexxar!
woah. You know if I got +7 and you said -1 and there are no no's how does that work?
Sides Im an angel :angel:
lets see if you can get 15 +1's and no zero's >:D
Then you beat my high score xD
woah. You know if I got +7 and you said -1 and there are no no's how does that work?
Sides Im an angel :angel:
I wuvz joo :>
Dude, wtf, -1 bombed D:
As I sit here drinking my morning coffee,
I ponder on how long Mr. Sexxy Xexxar will await his approval or disapproval of being an admin.
And I sit and ponder and sip my morning coffee..
Hm... weeks or months?
As I sit here drinking my morning coffee,
I ponder on how long Mr. Sexxy Xexxar will await his approval or disapproval of being an admin.
And I sit and ponder and sip my morning coffee..
Hm... weeks or months?
Ponders and Ponders, on mid morning sonders.
How ever will we, what we, yes me..
The approval you seek, is nothing to meek,
but first you must check out my admin appzorz
By clicking this post, you may receive, something different
something from me.
Krasher -~poetic legend-~
You are not the best, I shall say.
You may had an inspiration day,
but not as good, as a pack of Lays.
If you want to be the best,
you should first,
pass the following test.
Two tigers are yawning,
for food they are fighting.
One died of hunger,
the other one, with a boner.
What is odd?
What is cold?
What is fresh?
Is it our flesh?
Wtf was that O.o
Why is everybody making a second application o.o
Why is everybody making a second application o.o
Called Re-Do
and I am freezing my bawls off here in austria
what about england?
Posting is fun! ;D
Anyway, vote yes people! Not no!
Called Re-Do
and I am freezing my bawls off here in austria
what about england?
My ballz?
*Looks down*
Oh You Mean My Popsicle :D
Oh You Mean My Popsicle :D
you must know how I feel :laugh:
Xexxar is mine.
Xexxar is mine.
yomo tink dat he no not what DeviantWoman are tink when yomo reply like Engrish yomo typed
yomo tink dat he no not what DeviantWoman are tink when yomo reply like Engrish yomo typed
Xexxar is still mine.
Xexxar is still mine.
no ymo tink dat Xexxar is mein
Xexxar is still mine.
HES MINE!!!!!!!!111
You are not the best, I shall say.
You may had an inspiration day,
but not as good, as a pack of Lays.
If you want to be the best,
you should first,
pass the following test.
Two tigers are yawning,
for food they are fighting.
One died of hunger,
the other one, with a boner.
What is odd?
What is cold?
What is fresh?
Is it our flesh?
Wtf was that O.o
I am a beast poet.
Yeah: By Matthew
Ima professional
Posting is fun! ;D
Anyway, vote no people! Not yes!
ok then... lol jk :>
I am a beast poet.
Yeah: By Matthew
Ima professional
His name is Matt not Matthew. YO FAGGIT !
Xexxar = mine.
voted +1 cuz i dun want to read the app xD
Mine = xexxar.
Is there any chance that I am going to have 3 people knocking on my door asking to love me, 2 are guys and 1 is a girl. Cause like... Tiger Guy, you may not have my body. Frank, I think your just high so....
And deviant, M O L E S T M E N T
Is there any chance that I am going to have 3 people knocking on my door asking to love me, 2 are guys and 1 is a girl. Cause like... Tiger Guy, you may not have my body. Frank, I think your just high so....
And deviant, M O L E S T M E N T
Me: You're 15 and I'm 18 but let's dance together!
You: Society won't like it
Me: I don't care.
Remember xexxar, You're mine D:
Why all the newbies apply for admin!?!?
Xexxars been an respected for awhile now.
Oh gawd xexxar I'd do terrible in an Scars gamemode, I sucked at them the night you downloaded them lol. i still cant drive them, maybe if i sit here for hours tuning the cars perfectly but jesus i dont have the attention span.
I have been playing rnd for 7 months, respected for 6. And Bump!
Xexxar have been playing for a long time now, and after his first month, be became respected. now, it doesn't matter as much on how much time he has respected, but i have been respected for over a year now,(and i still am). now, his application tells me that he wants change, in most of the servers. i strongly agree with all his suggestions and if he becomes admin, these suggestion's might become real. a lot of people will be very happy for theses changes, and i will be one of them happy. i will give him a +1, for his great admin application.
Xexxar have been playing for a long time now, and after his first month, be became respected. now, it doesn't matter as much on how much time he has respected, but i have been respected for over a year now,(and i still am). now, his application tells me that he wants change, in most of the servers. i strongly agree with all his suggestions and if he becomes admin, these suggestion's might become real. a lot of people will be very happy for theses changes, and i will be one of them happy. i will give him a +1, for his great admin application.
I started about 3 of those ideas
moral of the story: Your paragraph made me feel like a good changer of things xD
i love this kid
so helpful against the unbanables
get ip
Uhh... :D
But liek, Tomcat. All I do is take server unban everyone on that server play on there and ddos the server and destroy the Database. Thats not that much... ;)
xexxar as admin = +1
cuz i like ppl caring about the server and stuph like that xDD
anyways i totaly agree wif yuh
you would even be a better admin then meh. I dun have time for all of dat :C (homework, school and other shiz)
ppl i think itz time to make a big change: WE NEED MORE ADMINZ NAU!!!!!!!!
you told me i should be patient but if nothing happens, then why do i have to be patient for nothing?!?!?
Me: You're 15 and I'm 18 but let's dance together!
You: Society won't like it
Me: I don't care.
Remember xexxar, You're mine D:
Lawl in-game when Darnell told he was 24 u said u were 24 too lol
Lawl in-game when Darnell told he was 24 u said u were 24 too lol
He freaking sounds like he's 24 doesn't he?
Xexxars not normal.
He's abnormal.
He's 7ft tall as well.
He freaking sounds like he's 24 doesn't he?
Xexxars not normal.
He's abnormal.
He's 7ft tall as well.
Awesome app big app cool app dont seem new seem nice so 1+ :D
i love this kid
so helpful against the unbanables
get ip
How do you actaully get someone's IP ?
What you do is go into a game/server go to console and type status i think
What you do is go into a game/server go to console and type status i think
That is when you want to get the players' SteamID.
+1 but please cut down on the abuse
+1 but please cut down on the abuse
wut do you mean about that?
wut do you mean about that?
he abuses sometimes
he abuses sometimes
abuses what
abuses what
Respected status, I think O.o
Respected status, I think O.o
I personally have never seen him do such. Xexxar is a good friend of mine and I don't believe that he would 'abuse' much of anything.
REALLY good friend.
I personally have never seen him do such. Xexxar is a good friend of mine and I don't believe that he would 'abuse' much of anything.
yes but there were couple topics about him abusing
I personally have never seen him do such. Xexxar is a good friend of mine and I don't believe that he would 'abuse' much of anything.
Agreed! He's not my friend though. When I played with him, he never abused his powers. He's a good guy.
(voted +1 btw)
I abused once I distictly remember.
I told everyone not to take health unless I ok'd them cause everyone was being a fag. So when i guy took it I banned him. The only other thing I do is ban the retarded kind of mic spam that is just annoying.
I abused once I distictly remember.
I told everyone not to take health unless I ok'd them cause everyone was being a fag. So when i guy took it I banned him. The only other thing I do is ban the retarded kind of mic spam that is just annoying.
lol he must have been pissed
Let me fix that for you
I can delete pict0re
You're doing it wrong.
wait she cant have 2 asses. her first one isnt through the portal yet.
Sorry I'm noob and have small dick :o
wtf lol
I realized that but I honestly dont care.
Nigga stole my yoshi!
Deviant likes my number of posts.
I must get a picture for this historic moment!
Stop Double Posting/Spamming Useless things.
But the nigga stole my yoshi!
I was playing with my brothers DS on the trains and this black guy stole it
I was playing mario kart as yoshi. -.-
But the nigga stole my yoshi!
I was playing with my brothers DS on the trains and this black guy stole it
I was playing mario kart as yoshi. -.-
+1 and that was joke in 5 page
DS = crap
DSLite = shit
DSi = garbage
DSi XL = dump
PSP = überpwn
DS = crap
DSLite = shit
DSi = garbage
DSi XL = dump
PSP = überpwn
Now Microsoft need to make XBP (Xbox Portable) and P4WN everything =D
Now Microsoft need to make XBP (Xbox Portable) and P4WN everything =D
Noe cuz my mom already p4wnz everyding.
recommended for admin on zs servers. hes normally there a lot
xexxar votebans for the stupidest reasons on zs . ive played with ihm once and he votebans like its nothing. -1
You just contradicted yourself.
So, what are you inferring?
This isn't bump.