Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Server Requests/Suggestions => Topic started by: Cake Face on February 21, 2010, 08:17:49 PM
Im sorry but now we are at a point where anyone on the mic can shout out a map and everyone votes for it. And everyone just happens to vote for a deathmap. I wouldint mind playing deathtime or deathlab every once in a while but every god damned round? Seriously?
I think its a good idea to start just a map rotation for ZS. That was we can finally stop playing the overplayed maps and experience everything else on the list. Of course admins would have to filter out the shitty maps. But I think its better then having to play deathtime 5 times in a row :(.
any particular reason?
we had fights over this for months
Guys its a game, -.-
we had fights over this for months
And it's still a problem on the server :/
the thing about voting is that people only vote for the first ones on the list, i guess they don't know how to scroll down :-[
Guys its a game, -.-
what's wrong with ppl making suggestions?
unless you know a map name ahead of time, you really don't have time to go through the list before vote ends.
true... but after playing it so much you would think they would randomly pick something else instead of the same thing
true... but after playing it so much you would think they would randomly pick something else instead of the same thing
its like elections people tend to support candidates that have the a chance of winning the election, even if they don't like them. You don't really find ppl donating to candidates that have no chance of winning even though they like them better.
Admins too lazy to make something new. They are playing sometimes, but not often
Admins too lazy to make something new. They are playing sometimes, but not often
We're not lazy, just only coolz, ruben and minic cann modify the actual game scripting
Coolz = Owner(He has a life)
Ruben = Working on Flood
Minic = Died(Assumingly seeing as i haven't seen him since September '09
We're not lazy, just only coolz, ruben and minic cann modify the actual game scripting
Coolz = Owner(He has a life)
Ruben = Working on Flood
Minic = Died(Assumingly seeing as i haven't seen him since September '09
about minic, he's not dead. he's gay.
what it has to do with his absence?
I have no fucking idea :o
i was joking o.o
i wuz not.
Hmm Yes
[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]This Thread is useless[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
Hmm Yes
[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]This Thread is useless[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler][spoiler][spoiler]Your mom is useless.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
umm guys lets explain this into teams nubs can comprehend
1 people complain about map cycle
2 still complain for over 6 months
3 coolz gets fed up
4 coolz and minics make this map change script
5 noaw people want it to its organal formats
umm tomcat... i don't remember anyone complaining about the rotation ???
Sanders putting on his education hat :police:.
For one, your vote is invalid because it is leading. Keep that in mind when tallying the votes. Second, the vote system is perfect. I will demonstrate by listing bullet points.
Pros of Votemap
-People get to play what they want.
-Everyone has equal say in map decision
Cons of Votemap
-Some maps get played over and over because they are epic maps.
Pros of map rotation
-All maps get even rotation, so maps don't get stale
Cons of map rotation
-All maps get even rotation, even especially the crappy ones nobody likes
So now you are thinking, "LOL THEN REMOVE THE CRAPPY MAPS!" Then what are you left with. The deathmaps, zs_fort, zs_insane_asylum, zs_anchor. We are still stuck playing the same maps over and over again. Here is an analogy.
Imagine you have two options for food. Eat fucking delicious pizza all the damn time even after it gets boring, or eat random stuff which usually is like burnt rocks or something, but is rarely like delicious cake.
I sure as hell dont want to eat fucking rocks.
Spoiler (http://www.meatspin.com) (click to show/hide)
I sure as hell dont want to eat fucking rocks.
I'm pretty sure there a lot more maps that aren't like eating rocks.
I believe improving the current vote system is the best option and it will enhance all players' experience.
The current vote system can be improved by simply making the map that was played, unavailable for 2 or more rounds (currently is 1).
I don't care how good a map is, but playing it every other round is like eating rocks.
So now you are thinking, "LOL THEN REMOVE THE CRAPPY MAPS!" Then what are you left with: zs_fort, zs_insane_asylum, zs_anchor and every other 2 maps on the list.
Were you here when there was map rotation. Most of the maps SUCKED. Necessitating a votemap instead.
Were you here when there was map rotation. Most of the maps SUCKED. Necessitating a votemap instead.
you gave me an idea :o what if......... we added a vote command to change the map if noone likes it and keep the rotation going?
Your idea can be modified like this: server have map rotation with random selection of map from some list and vote to reselect new map before it will be changed. If vote successfull - next map will be chosen again randomly. So new nextmap will be show in nextmap window
P.S It's better than instant changelevel by vote because on deathtime 20 zombies vs 3 humans camping in vent will 100% win vote and change level
Your idea can be modified like this: server have map rotation with random selection of map from some list and vote to reselect new map before it will be changed. If vote successfull - next map will be chosen again randomly. So new nextmap will be show in nextmap window
P.S It's better than instant changelevel by vote because on deathtime 20 zombies vs 3 humans camping in vent will 100% win vote and change level
or we could disable votechange when its at "half life" and reenable it at the game end