Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. => General Chat => Topic started by: Tiger Guy on February 15, 2010, 07:09:20 PM
<insert "I APPROVE AND STUFF. yay" pic>
Lol. It was funny when he tried to cuss someone out!
no not yet not hammered on forums or servers but will be soon on servs
lol last time i saw him his name was untrusted and he said that he feels emo lol
he isnt banned
(http://pattersonhome.net/Pictures/Praise.jpg)<(REPENT!! REPENT!!!!)
(http://pattersonhome.net/Pictures/Praise.jpg)<(REPENT!! REPENT!!!!)
Dat you holding tha babeh?
Dat you holding tha babeh?
Yeah, how know?
win pic
Yeah, how know?
You're sexeh.
You're sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
Hai Sexeh.
*Endless loop*