Other Shiz => Boneyard => Topic started by: Krasher on February 13, 2010, 03:59:37 PM
I am done with flood, no admins, nothing.
Player ^9HcK ^4BjQrhusdal could not be a bigger minge.
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Here is what happened
Frank and me are closse friends, and we were talking on xfire...
He suddenly told me to get my ass to flood, ASAP.
Turns out he was banned, By ^9HcK ^4BjQrhusdal ... For Nothing...
I rushed into flood to try and stop this bitch, but he left...
Other people were minging in the meantime, but Then He came back
Disguised as .:RND`=- Frank... The Guy He banned
He then Proceeded to ban me instantly when he got in...
I am sick and fucking tired of flood's minging, russian, retarded, little kids that minge and mess the whole server up...
I really wish I had admin right now... I would shove I giant Ban Dick Up his ass... I am tired of trying to be subtle asking for admin... But Hell, No.
I want to personally ban his mother fucking ass.
Umm i need teh steam ids to do banhammorz i mean coolz needs them
Totally agree with flood.
Umm i need teh steam ids to do banhammorz i mean coolz needs them
Its hard too when Im banned from there every time I try and go in...
tomcat just go in there and if you see someone named, .:RND`=- Frank, BAN HIS ASS...
No its not the real frank, frank got banned too.
OMFG ever time I see this twat he's getting a voteban!
Its hard too when Im banned from there every time I try and go in...
tomcat just go in there and if you see someone named, .:RND`=- Frank, BAN HIS ASS...
No its not the real frank, frank got banned too.
be a smart rnd guy and disguise ur name whenever teh troubles is happening :police:
This guy is a FUCKING MINGER.
I hate this guy. When i see him, i am going to ban his sorry ass.
But when he comes in again, I am going to ban him again until and an admins comes and perm ban or demote him.
Its hard too when Im banned from there every time I try and go in...
tomcat just go in there and if you see someone named, .:RND`=- Frank, BAN HIS ASS...
No its not the real frank, frank got banned too.
hmm a guy with that name had joined zs saying he wanted to ban another player i reported. In fact he's on ttt now.
what? Yeah, it was me. I wanted to ban lefopy or whatever his spammer namezor wuz lol.
You'll know it's me when it's really me.
I am sick and fucking tired of flood's minging, russian, retarded, little kids that minge and mess the whole server up...
I really wish I had admin right now... I would shove I giant Ban Dick Up his ass... I am tired of trying to be subtle asking for admin... But Hell, No.
I want to personally ban his mother fucking ass.
I totally agree wif you
Ill ban his fucking ass for dis. I promise :mad:
i now haz 4 mingie permad today yay
hmmmm..... ya thats what i call failminge
luckyass admin :(
I haz no admin T_T
luckyass admin :(
I haz no admin T_T
dont feel bad, neither duz I
then go xfirez :/
dun not workz for meh D: