Introductions/Apps/Suggestions => Help/Requests => Topic started by: pimpnpain727 on January 29, 2010, 09:02:38 AM
Hey i was playing trouble in terrorist town and i died then while i was dead i said who the bad guy was in global chat and i got banned for life. i know what i did was bad but i was wondering if u could give me a second shot and unban me :) . ty for reading my post.
Ummm... NO.(IMO)
i know what i did was bad but i was wondering if u could give me a second shot and unban me
You better not try to attempt that as well..
First time seeing Coolz post to appealing ban and stuff. ???
cough appealing to a unban post
You shouldn't say who is the bad guy over global chat, it's considered cheating. Moo(or Clue now)has warned not to use global chat for that reason countless times.