Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Regular app


Name: Nick
Age: 16
IGN: DarkFire
Country: Norway
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27879973
Personality: Frendly And Willing to help others
Game: Mostly TTT random sever Owns
Active: Mostly Active 1-14 hours each day
About Me: Am active Frendly and I love the random severs and I am trying to stick to the rules I played over a week now and gonne keep playing.

If you read the VIP apps, you'll know the appropriate standards to a good app.

ped - devolve meu chip >:O:
hi dark i played with you ;D PLAY MORE BEFORE POSTING SOO THE PPL WILL KNOW U i say 0.5


--- Quote from: DarkFire on September 29, 2010, 08:05:53 AM ---Name: Nick
Age: 16
IGN: DarkFire
Country: Norway
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27879973
Personality: Frendly And Willing to help others
Game: Mostly TTT random sever Owns
Active: Mostly Active 1-14 hours each day
About Me: Am active Frendly and I love the random severs and I am trying to stick to the rules I played over a week now and gonne keep playing.

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only 1-14?

--- Quote from: faggot ---hi dark i played with you ;D PLAY MORE BEFORE POSTING SOO THE PPL WILL KNOW U i say 0.5
--- Quote ---
your cloak and dagger, therefor your argument is invalid.

i give 1. seems decent guy (didnt play with him though) but if he is gonna spend time to come on forums and make an app no matter how bad, he deserves a chance at regualr->vip when he is here lnoger

whaat damage can he do with regular? :)
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Mr. Franklin:
more information plox.


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