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I'm a bit worried.

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--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on November 27, 2011, 03:18:10 PM ---One day while I was taking a walk around the neighborhood there was a house that had the smell of smoke around it. I went to go check it out but everything seemed fine and the owner was even in the backyard.  As I began walking away the smell/gas of smoke strengthened and I couldn't breathe that well. I put my shirt over my mouth and walked away and went back home. Two hours later my throat starting getting a bit sore and was hurting a bit every time I swallowed. It's been getting worse and I'm feeling a little weird. Should I be worried?

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 your dying of a zombie infection.

Doctor Who:

--- Quote from: Supertoaster on November 27, 2011, 04:23:51 PM ---I would see The Doctor.

--- End quote ---

Got sick. Waited through it. Feel better now.


>locking a thread in sr members


>not posting in locked threads


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