Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Prox

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I completely concur with Tiger. Though Prox may have an abrasive personality and his style of enforcing the rules differs greatly from mine. He fits the bill well, and when I was an active part of the servers could always count on him to make the right decisions. I for one, feel this promotion is long overdue.

○ Μαρία ○:
For awhile I was unsure of how I felt as Prox as an admin, even though he was very active and did produce a lot of reports. His attitude could sometimes contradict his actions on occasion, however I do not feel that is the case now. Prox's determination and clear caring for the servers/community really shows, and I think that is something really special. He makes people laugh, and he knows when to be serious. He is a really responsible guy, and has a lot of dignity, and I really respect him for that. I see past just him being active, and I see that he has more to offer than just that, and would in the future. I think he'd make a great Admin at this point, and would not mind seeing him in that position.

   He's very active, I always been watching him [Not Stalking mode, but, when he takes a shix, he wipe his ass in a really weird way], always handling RDMers, reporting people since already other members stated Pros and Cons before me that's all i have to say.

As most of the people here, i think he's ready for Admin and I support him.

I've been considering what I think makes a good admin for a while now and whether or not Prox really has the characteristics that I find important. Originally, as in maybe a month or so ago I had decided that Prox might not be ready due to a few characteristics he has such as his jokingly negative attitude and occasional stubbornness but as of somewhat recently I think I've changed my view slightly and see that Prox, though often a joker or w.e you want to call it, he can also be very serious and make decisions properly. I see him do this consistently as a VIP where he allows himself to make level-headed decisions and not jump to assumptions when dealing with situations. He also spends a hell of a lot of time making reports on the forums for troublesome players which require longer than a 5 or 60 minute ban. I think that it'd be quite beneficial for the servers to have him promoted especially as Prox won't be wasting his time (and slightly others') with making reports, and instead instantly being able to give a more appropriate punishment. Also keeping in mind how active Prox is and how willing to help he is, I really do think his time on the servers would be used better this way so that problem players can be dealt with not only on TTT, but mostly any server on RND as he was quite active on Stronghold and ZS when they were populated. The only server I can think of that I don't think he's been all too active on is Wirebuild, which doesn't need as much management any ways and often does have at least one VIP or admin in it at a time while it's populated.
So basically a pretty strong +1 from me. I really do think Prox is overall a good person and responsible player and really think he would do a good job being productive in managing the servers. Aside from that though I do have a good amount of trust in Prox. From what I've seen he's quite trustworthy and almost always has a well formed opinion on things and often a slightly different view which can be nice.  :thumbsup:

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