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rNd Wiki [Please Read]

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In case you're not aware, I've setup a wiki and its currently public

I plan to put server descriptions, port over the forum guides, compile the admin availability, server rules, etc.

But since I have a greater trust in the current admins, I'd like to first extend the question to any global mods/admins who think they will be able to positively contribute and maintain wiki and components.

That being said, whoever thinks they fit this position just reply below and after I get stuff ported over I'll start setting up accounts so you can create and edit wiki content.


I'm sure I can help out on this.

So this is a site for all the guides and stuff on the forum?

Yea I think it'll be a more organized and accessible for guides and other information like i listed.

Also will help document rNd and act as a good source of information related to rNd.. hence wiki

Anything from member descriptions, to past events, to history, etc.

I think I could be of assistance.


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