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King Ramses map for ZS


Okay, Who wants to make a ZS map based on the Courage the Cowardly Dog episode King Ramses Curse? Not me, Because I'm lazy.

must have an animated King Ramses.

must have a fairly good example of Courage's house with many details.

King Ramses MUST say "Return the slab, or suffer my curse"

The house will have 3 curses. Flooding the house, locking the doors, the only way to get rid of the water is to go into the basement and click something (Dunno what yet)

Terrible Music = Curse 2, Google "The Man In Gauze, King Ramses"

Locust, Kills everyone on the map very slowly.

The only way to stop the curses is to find the slab hidden in the map and return it to King Ramses. this will delay the curse 2 rounds until you need to find the slab again.

OP Suggests: I have this idea now make it for me.

Mr. Franklin:
maybe for TTT?


--- Quote from: Mr. Benjamin Franklin on September 29, 2010, 02:08:40 PM ---maybe for TTT?

--- End quote ---
We already have like 2 "tomb" maps (both of which are hella annoying >:V) And there's lots of those maps for like DR and stuff.


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