Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Deacon

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Mr. Franklin:
If he doesn't want the attention of being VIP, why would he want the attention of being admin? Sure he might be a great admin, but if doesn't want to have the pressure of being an admin then he shouldn't have it.

The point of this I believe was mostly just to give opinions of Deacon in an administrative position, whether he wants to get promoted or not. I don't mean that as he'd be forced to be an admin (lol), just that it's to discuss Deacon in such a role I guess?


--- Quote from: Sabb on November 26, 2011, 06:30:55 PM ---The point of this I believe was mostly just to give opinions of Deacon in an administrative position, whether he wants to get promoted or not. I don't mean that as he'd be forced to be an admin (lol), just that it's to discuss Deacon in such a role I guess?

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There'd be a huge difference between handing situations as VIP or as Admin.

For one, you don't have to put up with abusive regulars, or having to go through the process of making reports for hackers or people who need extended bans.

So I wouldn't see why he'd say no if it's a situation of just waiting to be promoted ._.

Anyways, my vote's a yes.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on November 26, 2011, 06:42:30 PM ---Well

There'd be a huge difference between handing situations as VIP or as Admin.

For one, you don't have to put up with abusive regulars, or having to go through the process of making reports for hackers or people who need extended bans.

So I wouldn't see why he'd say no if it's a situation of just waiting to be promoted ._.

Anyways, my vote's a yes.

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Well, I don't believe that he does want admin, but if he does I see it perfectly fit for him to get it.

Yep. I think he'd be a great candidate. The little I know him, I know only good.


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