Creative Arts (Read Only) > Graphics
Cinema4D - Advanced Graphics Request Thread
A simply step up from Photo Shop you say?
There are some severe differences between PS and C4D, and that is why I have a separate thread for this.
Don't know what C4D is?
Don't know what it does?
CINEMA 4D Demo Reel Siggraph 2008
All of that is made in C4D.
What are the possibilities of C4D?
Cinema 4D 11.5 MoGraph 2 Polyfx Logo Animation
Just Ask..
Here is how you may request one:
Purpose: E.g Youtube Video Channel Intro
Style: E.g Dark/Demonic
Description: (Figure out what you want, then type it here in good detail please.)
Specifics: (Right down any specific info here)
You can also request normal images/backgrounds! (in same format)
This is acualy when an I7 will come in handy...
Was testing Slow / Slip tweening, made a video.
Cinema 4D Tween Test [Don't Expect Much]
--- Quote from: Peetah on September 28, 2010, 06:09:49 PM ---This is acualy when an I7 will come in handy...
--- End quote ---
Poly FX Test
You can also request normal images/backgrounds! (in same format)
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