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.:Jesse.: Regular App 29/09/2010
Steam Nickname: .:Jesse.:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34656223
Name: Jesse
Age: 13
Why i want to be a regular:
I play random servers daily and i think i deserve to become a regular because I'm very fair in games i know, it's not whether you win or lose. Its whether you have fun while doing it. ;)
Peter Petrelli:
I sometime see him on the zs server and hes a cool guy. :thumbsup:
I haz nezer seen dis alienz befoar. But becauz he put ze dait in ze top he get +1. But becauz i said ze good aboutz urs u say goodz about mine.,943.0.html :rasta:
--- Quote ---(Reg) RoflCopter: well you see kids, if you look into Coolzeldad's face, it might just blow up.
A few momentz lator after someone volunteered...
(Reg) [N3XT] .:RND`=- IzzettIzam: need hp
(Reg) [N3XT] .:RND`=- IzzettIzam: HP
(Reg) RoflCopter: why thar you go kids...
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: adencook | Frank = Bi-Curious on September 28, 2010, 05:58:38 PM ---I haz nezer seen dis alienz befoar. But becauz he put ze dait in ze top he get +1. But becauz i said ze good aboutz urs u say goodz about mine.
--- End quote ---
Nu advertising kthxbai
jesse is a good player and he lets me win on the boat server i enjoy playing with him <3
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