Bans (Read Only) > Approved

[UnBanned]Tomcat bans me for a day for...what, exactly?

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Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37817891
Players Nickname:Orangebottle
Your in-game name:Orangebottle
Server name: -Build- Latest Wire/ACF/Pew Pew/Pac2/etc
Description of the event: I have an argument with Atlas about pirating. Afterwards, he  spams at me a bit, which i reply with "WHAT?". He asks me if I'm mad, I sarcastically answer,"Yes. I'll never calm down ever." He tells me to calm down multiple times, and i continue to answer sarcastically. Atlas then says "STANLEY! BRING ME MY BANHAMMER!" and "Orangebottle. Any last words". I respond,"You aren't an admin Atlas." Then Tomcat bans me: ".:RND`=- Tomcat banned 'OrangeBottle' : Take a day to calm down, who gives a shit about crackerd steam"
Reason for appeal: I can't see an actual reason for banning me here. Other than thinking I was serious about being mad, discussing how I think pirating is wrong with others on the server isn't against the rules(from what I can see. Where are the official server rules, exactly?). All I see here is a player with an admin in his pocket.
Link to sourceban page:

i find it hard that tomcat did it without a reason... are you sure that you didn't disrespected him or anyone else

Wow, way for atlas to be a dick.
Who the hell is that guy even


--- Quote from: Deacon on November 20, 2011, 06:51:09 PM ---Wow, way for atlas to be a dick.
Who the hell is that guy even

--- End quote ---

And old Wire player.

Went by the name 'Gordon Freeman'

I dunno.
Either way, a stupid argument.
I'm sure tomcat has his reasons.


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