Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
19/11/11 Application: Axule
I think it's high time that Axule gets VIP.
He's shown maturity, growth, and patience for a while and he is definetly ready for VIP.
Dun't dissapoint us dood.
Massive +1 from me.
Lock a day early. I think he deserves that little at least.
You should have VIP next time you go in-game. If not, PM me.
Due to my error when counting votes, the application has to be re-opened again.
iPounce and Shawn's votes weren't counted as they didn't give reasons for the +1's.
The application will remain open for another few days, and during so Axule will keep his VIP, but if by the end of that time he doesn't have 2 more VIP +1's, then he'll be demoted.
My apologies.
Oh, right, :thumbsup:
Pretty much for every reason in this thread.
--- Quote from: Cable on November 19, 2011, 08:01:59 PM ---Very mature person.
From the conversations I've had with him, I think he is capable.
--- End quote ---
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