Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

11/13/11 Application: Cake Face

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--- Quote from: Cake Face on November 13, 2011, 11:34:19 AM ---Cake Face's VIP Application

Name: Cake Face:

Age: 16:

In RND since: Around February/March 2009

Times online: Weekends - All Day (exception of being away/friends house) Weekdays - 1:25 PM - 9:30 PM

Time Zone: US Pacific time GTM -8

Location: Las Vegas

Servers mostly played on: Zombie Survive/Stronghold:

Steam Name: Cake Face

Why I should be VIP: I was VIP previously before demotion, only had 1 report but we talked about it and I was no longer in the report. A long with Don being on my ass with leather whips if I don't make one.

Why I want to be VIP:  Since we don't have to worry about demotions for inactivity anymore (I hope), I guess when I do play Garry's Mod on RND, that status would be something useful to have. I'm going to copy n' pasta this directly from my old app: I can haz kicks on general minges/idiots who dont read teh rules pl0x. And I would liek some of teh special features too.


Someone is holding up the round on Deathrun
Since I'm not very familiar with the kick/ban rules of Deathrun, I will stay out of that one until I know for sure that there can be action taken against the player holding up the round.

Someone is constantly suiciding as Death in Deathrun
Once again, I'm not entirely sure if that is a kickable/bannable offensive. I'd probably use global chat and alert other players who are more familiar with the rules of the server to find out if I can take action against it.

Someone is prop pushing on Flood
Okay, kick for sure. I know that one.

People are money rounding in Flood
Not sure of that either, I'd use global chat to verify what I could do.

Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
If it's intentional, kick/ban. Seriously, that shit really gets annoying.

RDMing the detective as an innocent
Kick. If the person comes back and still does it, ban.

Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood)
Kick, nothing else to it. If the person comes back and still does it, I'll record it/screen cap it and fill out a report.

Someone is using a name changer
In that situation I have no idea, hopefully record the name change, go to the console and collect the steam ID's of the server and fill out a report or contact an admin.

Someone is using an aimbot
If I know 100% for sure and a majority of the server agrees with it, Ban.

Someone is using speedhacks
Read above.

Someone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her gone
Ask them if they can stop first/change to something that actually fits the game, if not, as much as I disagree with this rule, tell everyone to mute that player.

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
Tell that person to stop being a douchebag. If the disrespect continues, record it, convince the victim to file a report against the player, and I'll post any proof I have.

Contributions to RND:
Multiple maps that I frown upon when looking back. Made very little contributions to Magic's Zelda Gamemode. Offered a TTT weapon pack...but that only got turned down and a year later other people's contributions were being accepted it, and that's all I could remember.

Things done In-Game
I think I made a giant pingaz cannon on build once, made multiple trains, with aid from Krasher, I got an E2 parented pingaz going on. Actually kicked/ban people who were breaking the rules.

Games I have (on Steam):
The whole Orange box + CS:S, RUSE, Carl on Duty: Black Cops, Left 4 Dead 2, Battlefield 2: Bad Company 2 (I also have BF3, but that's not on steam), Portal 2, various HL2 mods and of course, Garry's Mod.

Methods to contact me:
Steam. Chances are if I don't respond, I'm either:

Taking a Nap

Playing a fullscreen, non-steam game

Doing homework


and the works of it.

A few friends active in RND
Jman, Cable, Don (assmunch), Sabb, Dat Gamefreak, Dat Snivy, Dat Deacon and his sexy Bass, Hotgreen, Rocket50 and his nag for HTTYD + MLP Rule 34, Supertoaster, Coolz, Tomfag, and multiple other people that I can't remember if they're active or not.

My reason for demotion: Inactivity. Nothing else to it.


Thanks to Don for his pedophile antics.

--- End quote ---

Obvious +1 from me.
Mature, funny and definitely deserves to be VIP. :thumbsup:

He was demoted for inactivity, and I haven't really noticed him playing on the servers too much. When I had my desktop that is. I'm going to assume he's being active though, and give a +1. There's absolutely no worries with having Cake fgt as a VIP.

+1 He was only demoted for inactivity so he should get it back he has already proven he earned it.


--- Quote from: Shawn on November 13, 2011, 01:02:24 PM ---+1 He was only demoted for inactivity so he should get it back he has already proven he earned it.

--- End quote ---


Just be sure to play more.


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