Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

11/13/11 Application: Kurtis


Kurtis's VIP APP

Name: Kurtis
SteamName: kurtis_13_1994 / STEAM_0:0:36794289
SteamUserName: alenkey94
Age: 17
Times online: Always
Location: Georgia, USA
Servers: Strong Hold , Zombie Survival , Wire-build , Fretta( Hours mostly played on those servers )
Member since: September 25, 2010, 11:55:39 AM

And the other people that know me.

 -StrongHold Hackers-
:: Spectate the person then record a demo looking for signs of snapping or wall hacks, warn the person to stop, if not
then start a vote ban. ( The demos will be long to make sure everything is correct ) then
make a report on the forums.
-Zombie Survival-
:: If the player is hacking/speed hacking, I would record a demo then make a report on the forums.
-Mic spam-
::I would tell everyone to mute that person.

I understand the rules of all the servers.
When it comes to reporting people I make sure everything it right.

::Why I want to be VIP::
-I would join any server that needed a vip at anytime.
-I'm good with dealing with people's issues.
-I care about peoples problems.
-I can deal with hackers on strong hold.
-I understand VIP is a responsibility.
-Active 24/7

I've waited over a year before making this app. Since I've join RND I haven't been reported once and I've always been a team player to people.

Some people of the RND community may think that I'm a bad person. I would like to appologize to those people.

Dale Feles:
I've played a couple of times with Kurtis. He seems like a nice person, and I haven't witnessed him doing anything against the rules.

+/- 0, I just wanted to throw this out there.

I constantly see you raging at others and being a douchebag and you often try to bait other people into flaming you.


Kurtis is an old friend.
Don't take this personally but I must say you can be quite immature in-game
and has the tendency of being belligerent.


0 out of 7 votes.

Re-apply again in a week if you want to.


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