Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
random ban by don
the thing i dont get is that i was already punished for this offense this is the second time i have been banned for this offense why should i get banned again?
plz look here
--- Quote from: tufenuf on November 13, 2011, 04:01:07 AM ---the thing i dont get is that i was already punished for this offense this is the second time i have been banned for this offense why should i get banned again?
--- End quote ---
VIP's can only do so much. There job is to get rid of someone long enough for either an admin to take care of it or for w/e other reason.
In this case, Cogs votebanned/kicked you as a punishment right then. It would eventually be taken care of (assuming Cogs talked with an admin), thus giving you your correct punishment.
Correct me if I'm wrong
This Toast:
Couple of hours ago @ alt_borders, you and "mini_me" we're suspicious of ghosting with each other after not killing each other. It was pretty obvious though, also seeing mini_me on your friend list doubles the chances. No one got proof of your obvious ghosting but Kahuna told me that you are a ghoster and that you've directly ghost him. He had a screenshot of it which is what you present. I told Don the story and him to take action. You're even lucky that VIP's can't ban for over 60 mins. You're even lucky that this is only a 1-day ban.
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