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Need any coders? (Apply for coder (Developer) by Olivier Candel.

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--- Quote from: coolzeldad on November 12, 2011, 02:07:13 AM ---I'll set this topic as an example.

Anybody who wishes to contribute, whether by code, mapping, guides, textures, etc.

Please contact me or start making a thread showing off your work and why it would be useful or in some way cool to have on the servers or forums or whatever!

Thanks for thinking of contributing, you are another very important component of rNd !! :)

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/////////////// Original Post

Hello my name is Oliver Candel.
I am 19 years old (Birthday:22/07/1992).
I live in The Netherlands in Noord-Brabant.
And i speak the languages:Dutch,English and a little bit german and french.
Ingame name: Oliviertjuhh
SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:20756870
Steam Community link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/oliviertjuhh

I wanted to ask if this server needs any good coders cause i just learned lua and i coded some things and i thought why not do this for a server who needs any coders that can come up with good ideas and dont use Google Translator to be able to speak to admins/people in server (example written by .:~RND`=- serialkillerBR -= : excuse my bad English I'm using google translator found on http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,9070.0.html ).

I am available from 4pm to 12pm on Monday-Friday (maybe bit earlier) and 1pm to 2 am in weekends (Holidays are 24/7 :D).
I do this for free (Ill never ask money for anything i make all i ask is that it stays special for this server only.) so u guys get some more nice custom content and i learn a bit more Lua if i dont know it already.

Maybe its best if you steam message coolzeldad, server operator because we dont have  a say in who codes for the servers :L

Just want to mention that there is no developer tag.


--- Quote from: Sabb on November 08, 2011, 07:34:27 AM ---Just want to mention that their is no developer tag.

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Atleast u know what mean with developer :D
i dont want it that badly but it would be nice for ppl to know i am a coder

We have several members that handle our coding, when needed. We don't try to get overly fancy with our servers (to my knowledge). However, as stated, if you want to, message coolzeldad. He is the server owner/operator.



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