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Zombie Survival Guide for beginners

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DJ myppl8:
A good hangun to start with would be the ''Owens Hangun''
has a good damge to it and is like a mini boomstick.

After you have 5 kills a good weapon would be the riochete magnum
or the crossfire glock.

Killing a Zombie

The most effective wat to kill a zombie is to aim for the head causes
 much more damage than aiming anywhere else  :zombie:

[/size]AFK Zombies[/u]

When you see an afk zombie you usually see them in the green smoke
dont shoot at them the green smoke regenerates there health so youll be shooting
at the zombie and you will lose all your ammo.

How to Cade

Dont cade early like noobs start to cade when there are zombies than humans or when your at wave 6 or 7.

How to Make Cade


Make a cade that has a hole to shoot through but not big
enough for poison headcrabs to shoot poison balls at you.

Thats all you need to know to get started bye bye  :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie: :zombie:

Can somebody do the rant for me? I just.... CAN'T!  :(

Lol'd I always cade early. So bishes cant rune my round.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Mehis on November 04, 2011, 06:37:32 AM ---Can somebody do the rant for me? I just.... CAN'T!  :(

--- End quote ---


Myppl, there is already a bunch of guides for zombie survival that are clearly better made and have real effort put in. How about you make a guide about something new and not posted yet.


--- Quote from: DJ myppl8 on November 04, 2011, 06:00:56 AM ---
[/size]AFK Zombies[/u]

When you see an afk zombie you usually see them in the green smoke
dont shoot at them the green smoke regenerates there health so youll be shooting
at the zombie and you will lose all your ammo.

--- End quote ---

It depends - lots of people with high powered weapons, a few people with high power weapons, a lot of people with lower power weapons, you CAN overwhelm them enough where the fog's incremental restoration of health simply doesn't matter.

--- Quote from: DJ myppl8 on November 04, 2011, 06:00:56 AM ---How to Cade

Dont cade early like noobs start to cade when there are zombies than humans or when your at wave 6 or 7.
--- End quote ---

coherency failure.

And honestly, it depends on the circumstances - if you're on a map where a lot of people were killed early - from pushers, or being AFK at the wrong time, and you're already facing enough zombies then cading may not be a bad idea REGARDLESS of if it is only wave 2, 3, etc... then OTOH, if it is wave 1, 2, 3, even wave 7, and there are still absurdly more humans than zombies, it may not at all be wise to cade early.


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