Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
31/10/2011 Axule
--- Quote ---Pretty much the same reasons that I have said in his previous applications, he's friendly, helpful and knows the rules pretty well.
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Smart, responsible, active.
Dale Feles:
I remember playing him when he was named Irish Might. A very nice player, always fun, and I'm pretty sure he's ready for VIP. :thumbsup:
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--- Quote ---I'm lazy, sorry.Again, though he's been in the community a short time, I really do think Axule would be a great VIP.
He has common sense, knows the rules very well and everything else needed as VIP.
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I really think it's time for Axule to be VIP. He's helped out a lot with many reports, and simply knows how to handle situations well, and knows what is expected.
Also, a message from Dikkon:
Deacon: just since axules finally come around and stop being a dick i think he deserves it
Deacon: hes spent enough time in ttt stopping bullshit he may as well already be one
Couldn't have said it any better.
He is always chill.
Fun to play with.
Reliable, smart, mature.
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