Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
10/22/2011 Application: Mickey Yeung
--- Quote from: mickey0528 on October 22, 2011, 08:17:36 PM ---.:RND`=-mickeyyeung98's VIP app
Real Name: Mickey Yeung
In-game Name: .:RND`=-mickeyyeung98
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26150793
In RND since: September 01, 2010
Location: Hong Kong, China
Time Online & Timezone:
School Days- 17:00-22:00
Holidays- 12:00-16:30, 19:30-22:00 (GMT+8)
Server I usually play on (Most to Least) :
Why I should be VIP:
* I can help to stop people who violate rules or preventing others from having a fun game on RND
* I've been on RND for a year, and I think it's enough experience I got in this year.
* I'm an active member of RND, as I play everyday.
* I'm friendly towards most of the players, as I always try to help others to understand the game.
* I never violate rules after the incident long time ago
Why I want to be VIP:
* I want to enforce the rules by myself because I'm tired to calling for help on Global Chat but no one even response.
* I want to help to make a better community.
Situations (You may find them simular,forgive me :/ ) :
Glitching:Tell him to exit the glitch. If he refuse, take screenshot and warn again. If he still refuse, kick. 2nd time: report to forum.
Haxing: I will suicide and spec him to see if he really hacked. If he does, make demo, ban and report to forum.
Prop Push: Give him 1 warning. If he continue, kick.
Prop Kill: Same as above.
Killing T buddies / Killing Detective as Innocent: Ask him why he did it. If it's accident, give him 1 warning. If he did it on purpose, kick.
Mic Spam: Tell others to mute him.
Showing no respect to other players: Take Screenshots and report to forum and see if he deserve a ban.
Holding up round: First and Second round: Warning. Third round: Kick.
Massive RDM: Kick
Prop Spam: Tell him to remove them. Refuse, ban.
Contribute to RND:
TTT Guide
Games I have on Steam:
Ways to contact me:
Active Friends:
Afro Ninja
This Cactus
That's it, thanks for reading my App. Please consider it carefully as I wont get mad even i can't make it.
--- End quote ---
Haven't honestly played with him that much and I have no opinions on him.
Maybe play more servers and make a bigger impression?...
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