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Spectate Option for stronghold

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talked to coolz; hes been super busy.
He'll look at it when he can

Dale Feles:
This would be VERY useful.

Noramlly I hear a lot of people complain about hackers, sadly I can't really spectate them to see if their actually using hacks.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on October 17, 2011, 08:22:01 PM ---Only downside I see is people being able to see inside other peoples bases by spectating them or something. :v

--- End quote ---
VIP only?

yeah as Cable said its very easy to make a spectate plugin. A lot of admin mods already have them built it like ulx. I know ass mod doesn't but it would be pretty simple to code a chat command to the plugin.


--- Quote from: Deacon on October 17, 2011, 09:43:45 PM ---talked to coolz; hes been super busy.
He'll look at it when he can

--- End quote ---
This is the only reason I haven't complained to him until he adds it lol.


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