Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

[APPROVED]10/16/11 Application: Silent

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--- Quote from: .:~RND`=-$ilent on October 16, 2011, 08:50:52 AM ---$ilents Application

In-game: .:~RND`=-$ilent (STEAM_0:1:26328414)
Real life: Mathew
Past aliases: $ilent A$a$in (This is pretty much when I started playing on rNd, Don't be confused beacause there were 2 $ilent A$a$ins+

In RND since:

About 2/2 to 3 years in rNd. Although, in my first year I rarely went on the forums, and mostly just played TTT. I only went on the forums to make my Respected app, that eventually got approved. I signed up on the new forums last year in October, and ever so I got to meet the awesome community both in-game and on the forums

Times online:

I'm mostly on when I'm done with school and some work, and I'm generally on most of the day on weekends. The time I play is very flexible.

Time Zone:

Eastern time (GMT -5.)


Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.

Servers I mostly play on:

I play mostly on every servers, and have AT LEAST basic knowledge of the rules and how to play the specific gamemode. My main servers I go on are: TTT, and The rotation server (that is depending on the gamemode). The only server I never go on is the Free build, and that kinda explains the reason by itself.

Steam Name:


Why I should be VIP:

I think I would be a good VIP for all the following reasons:

-I could help reduce the number of players who often break the rules and ruin the fun for other fellow players.
-I have a very fast connection speed, and if ever anyone needs help in-game for whatever reason, I can come and connect to the server in under a minute.
-I am generally active on rNd, both in-game and on the forums
-I know a lot of players on rNd, and I get along very well with them.
-I know I stated this a lot, but back in the respected times I had my application accepted, but never got my rank given to my in-game.

Why I want to be VIP:

I basically stated all my reasons above, except dat pink tag.

Contributions to RND:

-Made a few reports.
-Host a server in minecraft that pretty much anyone can join. (Closed until 1.9 updated)
-Made the French translations for the rNd SVN manager (,756.0.html)

And that's pretty much it for my contributions

Things done In-Game

Honestly, I haven't built that much in-game. I made a cheap cart, but that's it. I mostly spend my time trying out other users creations

Games I have (on Steam):

Honestly, I have a shitload of games, here's some of them

-Gmod (Obviously)
-Team fortress 2 (Obiously)
-The WHOLE Half life 2 collection. (Including the first one and the addons)

Methods to contact me:

-rNd forums
-MSN (I'd rather not reveal my email, if you need it for a good reason, then send me a PM on the forums or steam)

A few friends active in RND

Way too much to name, but if your my friend, you know who I'm talking to  ^-^


Now, if you took time to read my app, you might notice I removed the "What do I do if" section. I know I'm gonna sound a lot like deacon by saying this, but I could easily copy the rules and paste them here changing a couple of words to make it sound like I wrote them. If you want to question me about the rules, just PM me through steam.


Thanks to:

Coolzeldad, for these awesome, and friendly servers that we all love wasting our time on.

Don, for this application layout.

SMasters, for posting my application.

Devie, for posting my previous application (,3071.0.html)

And everyone at rNd that make the severs so much fun.

--- End quote ---
Nice and friendly on the forums +ingame

I'm a bit unsure if Silent should be a VIP.

I recall witnessing him prop push two people off and him refusing to say anything about it.

Yeah. Why not?
Hes active and nice.


It wasn't only that, it was a couple of other occasions too.


--- Quote from: Cable on October 16, 2011, 10:04:33 AM ---Hmm,
Yeah. Why not?
Hes active and nice.

--- End quote ---


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