Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

9/26/2010 Application: Waffle - [PLEASE RESUBMIT]


He is really good player, probably one of the top on my list for VIP.

--- Quote ---In-game Name: Waffle Shameimaru

Age: 17

Location: California

Servers that I play on most: TTT/Wire

Application: This is my App for VIP status, as I've been on the server for around 6 months (at least) and I've come to be very popular on TTT. I'm a fair player, never had a report against me, and I don't participate is such silly things like LAST-ROUND RDMFEST. I don't play nearly as much on wire, nor as much as I was on TTT, but I still do play both and have friends there that if need be can call me in to start votes. In short, I hope you vote yes for me so I can help keep the server under control >w<!
--- End quote ---



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