Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Mr Muffins Regular App 27/09/2010

(1/3) > >>

mR Muffins:
I think i should become Regular because having the guest tag is just showing that you are sort of a visitor. If i had the Regular tag it would show that i rather play RND servers than other servers. Im very regular on the server and everyone knows me   


Servers: TTT mostly nothing else.
Age: 16
In-Game name: Mr Muffins
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:23863036

Mr. Franklin:
i seen him on TTT alot, seems like a non-minge.  :thumbsup:

Non-Minge indeed. :thumbsup:

kk +1, based on mr franklin

Played with him a lot today. Fun guy to play with.


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