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Don's Reary Nice TTT Guide

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Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: memo3300 on May 31, 2011, 03:34:58 AM ---I feel stupid reading things like this at 6 am

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I'm just gonna throw this out here
If your wondering why I get lots of head shots with Deagles Its because I aim at head level (I draw a mental picture in my head where the head would be) & just move left to right with mouse (WHILE KEEPING THE cross hair at head level) not diagonally down or not diagonally or any kinda of crickerding of the left or right just. there are two ways to do this one way is leaving you cross hair at head level & waiting for them to walk into it then shoot.
Other way is to move left to right while keeping cross hair at head level using keyboard the A and D button & hoping that there head will go on to your cross hair then shoot  ( theres more can't be bothered writing all of them)

This is useful when your in one of those 1v1 stand offs in TTT

You know don, if you ever feel like ending this guide, i think it would be nice to do a section of "how to use the dna scaner"


--- Quote from: memo3300 on June 05, 2011, 12:25:37 PM ---You know don, if you ever feel like ending this guide, i think it would be nice to do a section of "how to use the dna scaner"

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Yeah, so many minges don't know how to use the dna scanner and the dna always gets decayed afterwards >_>


--- Quote from: memo3300 on June 05, 2011, 12:25:37 PM ---You know don, if you ever feel like ending this guide, i think it would be nice to do a section of "how to use the dna scaner"

--- End quote ---

>ending a guide

Pick one


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