Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

10/3/11 Application: Cable - [APPROVED]

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>I will never be a super good friend of cable ;_;

Anyway, as stated above, Cable has matured above and definitely learnt from his mistakes. :thumbsup:

 A big  :thumbsup: from me! Cable is a great guy! Hes a chill guy and wouldnt ever abuse, and he definitley deserves it.

Mr. Franklin:
Cable's maturity has risen over the past couple of months, and is successful when interacting with other players.  :thumbsup:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)I'm Caleb's Super awesome best friend :)

I be spammin cablr and hatesmbut i ruv him <3

+1 same reason as the others


--- Quote from: Sabb on October 03, 2011, 04:52:26 PM ---Cable has made mistakes in the past, and has been demoted more than once, but I do think that he's matured enough to not do any of the such again, and seeing as that was his only flaw as VIP...

--- End quote ---


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